This is what it means

Nov 13, 2010 21:46

Title: This is what it means
Prompt: It was all for you
Pairing: Optimus/Prowl
Rating: PG-13
'Verse: Mixture of G1 and Animated (mostly G1)
Disclaimer: Sadly, Transformers does not belong to me.
Notes/Warnings: Character deaths

"It was all for you."

"How can you say that!" A brief pause and then, "I missed you."

"I know, I did too."


Optimus Prime remembers the day that he died. He was surrounded by enemies, all laughing or jeering… or screaming in pain. There were injured here besides him, and none of them cared enough to help their so-called comrades-in-arms. Megatron stared down at him solemnly, taking in the scene of the enemy that had eluded this so many times before. "Any last words?" The Decepticon leader asked Optimus while aiming and firing up his fusion cannon. Optimus shook his head, staring steadily up at Megatron. He wasn't nearly ready to die, but he would not show that to Megatron, would not show how much he longed to live, to live for those who had not, but soon he would be part of those who had not and he couldn't summon up the energy for one last jab at his enemy. This had gone on long enough, millions of solar cycles and what did they have to show? Nothing. He knew they wouldn't want him to give up, especially not the one he cared about most. But he was so tired, he just wanted to rest, just for a little bit, he didn't want to give up, but giving up was the only option he had now.

"Very well," Megatron spoke and fired his cannon straight into Optimus' sparkchamber.


"Why did you do it?"

"I wanted to be with you. I was so sick of the war, and again, I missed you."

"You shouldn't have given up, they needed you."

"I know… I let them down…"

"Not if you don't go back."

"Go back? I didn't know that was possible."

"For you, it is."

"But not for you."

"Unfortunately not."

"So I'll have to live without you again."

"Yes, but I know you can do it."

"What if I can't, I couldn't the first time."

"Do not blame me for your failure."

"All right…"


He woke up suddenly, the light blinding him for a second. He had no form, he was shapeless, and suddenly he knew that he was only his spark, he had no body, only a floating spark invisible to humans because they passed by his light with not even a glance.

He wandered the earth for days. Observing humans living their lives, watching the war go on without him, watching Megatron killing his comrades, tearing a swathe through them without even overheating a little. Every time a mech passed against him, through him, his spark reached out, and that mech paused, just in time to get himself killed. Optimus knew to stay away from battlefields after that, he didn't want to kill any more of his mechs.


"You can't afford to wander anymore." A voice inside of him spoke up, a familiar voice, the same one he had heard in the All-Spark, his bonded's voice. His dead bonded's voice.


"It is I."

"I came back, in this form. Why don't I have a body?"

"You have to find your old body. Rise from the dead, just like a human zombie." Prowl's voice held a small hint of amusement.

"Oh, thanks," Optimus said sarcastically but if he'd had a body he wouldn't have been able to hide his smile.

"Now you should be able to feel where your body is. Follow that feeling and it should take you to it."


"Yes Optimus?"

"I love you, I always will."

"I know, I love you too. If you ever find someone else I will not begrudge you the bond. I'm sure any choice you make I'll agree with. And we can all be together when you get back here."


"I don't want you to be alone, find someone, I don't care if it takes you centuries, I just don't want you to be alone anymore. You shouldn't have to shoulder everything all by yourself, and I won't be able to be there for you. I'm not saying I won't be a little jealous, but having more company in here is always welcome. Whenever you two are ready to come to me, feel free." Another smile in his voice.

Optimus smiled sadly, "I guess I'll see you then huh?"

"Yes Optimus, I'll be waiting for you."


Optimus opened his optics and stared up at the ceiling smiling. His body was hot and his spark was pounding in his sparkchamber. He looked to the side, and saw the faded paint of Prowl. He reached out a hand and clasped Prowl's. He imagined he felt it squeeze his once, and then he got up to fight the war his mechs needed him for.


optimus/prowl, g1

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