Mini Challenge (Week 4): Loss

Mar 21, 2010 13:53

 Mini Challenge (Week 4): Loss

1. Your response can be in any form and if it is written any length. Icons, artwork, music playlists, and basically anything you can think of are welcome.
2. The ship should obviously be Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle, because that's what this community is all about.
3. Remember you're not restricted to the conventional response to the prompt; let your mind run wild.
4. Please put all fics or large posts behind an lj-cut and have them properly tagged so the Mods can add them to the masterlist.

Title: (optional, feel free to just use the prompt)
Prompt: (Which challenge you are answering)
Rating: (This is important. Adult situations are perfectly acceptable but some people don't like to read them.)
Word Count:
Author's Notes: (optional)
Summary: (optional)

This week's prompt is: Loss

Feel free to post your response on the community at anytime just make sure it is properly labeled so I can add it to the masterlist. Want to have a say in what the next Challenge is? Comment here.


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