Challenge 1: Where in the world...

Feb 21, 2010 09:59

Where in the world…

What is your favorite movie? Can’t decide? Well pick one because that is what this challenge is about, kinda. This week’s challenge is to take our two lovely ladies (or the entire lab if you are feeling ambitious) and transplant them into another setting. Has the Titanic always tugged at your heartstrings? Well then guess who gets to go on a fancy boat ride. I chose movies specifically because their settings are pretty much set in stone unlike the ever changing tones of a TV series. The shortness also allows you to be extra creative with the very little that you are given, take for example the Devil Wears Prada fandom. This is NOT a crossover challenge, so if you choose a movie and want to keep some of the main characters of said movie in your story they need to be secondary characters.

All responses should be tagged with the “challenges” tag and have which challenge they are responding to in the title of their post. This is just to help me when I create the masterlists for both challenge types; we wouldn’t want to accidently miss yours! There is no deadline for any of the challenges, so if you start writing your response now and don’t finish it for a couple of months it can always be added to the masterlist.

The rules of this challenge:

1. This challenge is about taking Catherine and Sara out of their usual time and space to see how they will react in different situations. There are certain elements of each character that are directly tied to their setting so there you might have to let go of some of these elements or rework them to fit the new setting, but what you do with this is entirely up to you.

2. They do not need to stay in this new setting for the entire story, but they do need to stay there for at least 50% of it. For example: Do they have memories of their lives in Vegas? Were they ever anywhere else? Did they fall asleep after eating an entire bag of Halloween candy given to them by a sketchy guy who likes to play with needles?

3. Any characters pulled from the movie have to be secondary characters, which can be easily ignored or killed off.(Not saying you should do this, just trying to put it in perspective)

4. Do NOT worry about this turning into a crack!fic. Just let the ideas flow, let the ladies have some fun. Think of it as a vacation for them and you.

5. There is no word limit to how much you need to write. Everything is accepted, drabbles, ficlets, and epics. Any and all responses to this Challenge are welcome. That means that the response to this does NOT have to be in written form. Anything you feel like doing, go ahead and do it. Then post it and we will rejoice in your creativeness.

Normally the Mini Challenges won’t be quite so complicated, but I figured since this is our first Challenge why not start off with something a little crazy? Want to have a say in next week’s challenge? Post your prompt ideas here.

So pull out your DVD collection and go crazy.


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