FIC: Again Today 3/?

Apr 04, 2008 14:18

Disclaimers and all that hoohaa in post numbero uno !


*EDIT* sorry for not cutting it when i posted. I still havent quiet remembered how to use lj ! :P

Catherine prayed silently that it wasn’t more overtime! She couldn’t remember the last time she had spent a full day with her daughter without being called in for some emergency. Thinking of Lindsay she was going to have to call Nancy and ask if she could look after her. Of course Cath would gladly take Lindsay with her on this small trip but she knew Sara needed some privacy somewhere were she could get her head together enough to sort out what ever was troubling her, Catherine was silently hoping that the brunette would let her in aswell. As much as they fought Catherine had the upmost respect for Sara Sidle it’s just Sara Sidle didn’t know that...yet.

Rounding the corner to Sara’s favourite lab Catherine paused at the door taking a solid look at Sara. Her shoulders were slumped her eyes were almost black with sleep and her hair was tousled. ‘the hair looks cute though’ mused Catherine.

“knock knock”

Sara peered up from the case files she was looking at and even though looking thoroughly exhausted still managed a shy smile in Catherine’s direction.

“Hey Cat what can I do for you?”

Well its now of never thought Catherine. She knew that until she got sara in the car and on their way to their destination tat Sara would fight going to this ‘conference’ tooth and nail. Catherine just hoped that the order coming from Grissom would be enough for Sara just to accept the fact she was going away for 3 days.

“Well nothing really but Grissom wants to see you in his office asap”

If possible Sara’s shoulders slumped even further down. “I hope he’s not gonna ask me to do anymore over time. I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw the sun.”

Now that shocked Catherine. Never once had she heard Sara complain or turn down overtime. Now she was really worried.

“Sara are you ok ?” She cast a worrying glance at her colleague

“Yeah im fine” Sara sighed “Just really tired lately I think it might be time to get a life outside of these glass walls.”

Catherine struggled to stifle a laugh. “Ok who are you and what have you done with Sara Sidle ?"

Sara looked up a little hurt. Sure she knew that outside work her life wasn’t as interesting as the average Joe but she didn’t need reminding of it or have that fact laughed at. Sensing the sudden steeling of the person in front of her Cath reached out a hand to touch Sara’s shoulder ready to appologise for her last remark but just has her hand was about to connect to Sara’s shoulder the brunette flinched away.
“Sara I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you there. It’s just that you live for your job and for you to not look forward to over time and to actually want to get out well its just a bit surprising thats all.”

Sara’s shoulders slumped once again. She just wasn’t having a good day and there was no use taking it out on Catherine.

“It’s fine. I’m fine I just wanna finish up shift and head home.”

Cath smiled in response. She doubted Sara would get any sleep when she went home. She would still be seething at the prospect of having to go to a 3 day conference, with herself no less.

“Well before you do that remember to go see Grissom!”

Catherine turned to walk out the lab, once she got to the door she stood for a few minutes observing the younger CSI. She knew Sara was feeling a bit restless and out of sorts. She just hoped her plan would work and not backfire and make matters worse.
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