"Wrong Again 18/?"

Oct 20, 2006 13:20

I wanted to have this out earlier but I have had the migraine from HELL the past week and I just couldn't even look at the comp screen for that long cause it was killing me.  Thanks for the feedback on this fic and again my Beta's love ya guys.

The song I used is called "Wrong Again" and it is sung by the amazing Martina McBride.  I changed 1 word in the song...deal with it!

Anway on with the fic...

TITLE: Wrong Again 18/?

RATING: NC-17/M for future chapters
CATEGORY: Catherine/Sara Romance
DISCLAIMER: Don't own anything!
SPOILERS:  Takes place right where ‘Play with Fire’ ended
ARCHIVE: With Authors Permission VanillaBug1@comcast.net
SUMMARY: After Grissom rejects Sara's dinner invitation, she takes some time off. While Catherine is still suspended the two women decide to work on their friendship. Both realizing their feelings go much deeper than friendship. Meanwhile, Grissom finally admits his feeling for Sara. Who will she choose?

Wrong Again 18/?

Later that night as Warrick pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, he glanced over at Catherine.  Since he had picked her up, the blonde hadn’t said more than ten words to him.  Catherine simply sat in the passengers seat in a catatonic-like state.  Warrick pulled into an empty parking spot and turned off the car engine.  He opened his door and began to step out when he noticed that his companion hadn’t moved and inch since he stopped the car.

“Catherine?”  He asked, turning to face her.

“Hmm?” She replied, still not moving.

“We’re here,” Warrick stated softly.

“Hmm?  Oh…okay,” The blonde responded, snapping herself back to the present.

“It’ll be okay,” He whispered, smiling at Catherine.

“That’s what they all say,” She muttered exiting the car.  The blonde smiled slightly as she felt Warrick come to her side and place an arm around her shoulders.

“I know it hurts,” Warrick said trying to comfort his friend.

“Not really…just when I breathe,” Catherine whispered crossing her arms across her chest, choking back tears. She finally glanced at her surroundings noticing that there were only two other cars in the parking lot. “I thought you said there was a concert here tonight?”  She asked confused.

“I never said that.  What I said was, a friend of mine was singing here tonight.  Think of it as a private concert,” Warrick winked, squeezing her shoulder.

“Isn’t that Nick’s car?” The senior CSI asked pointing to one of the only cars in the lot.

“Kind of looks like his but I don’t think so,” Warrick replied, quickly moving Catherine inside, silently hoping she believed him.  Warrick opened the door to the restaurant and the duo walked inside.

“Warrick Brown! What’s up bro?!” A man shouted as he stepped into the light.

“Jerome, how’s it hanging man?!” Warrick greeted slapping the gentleman’s hand, pulling him into a hug.

“Good to see ya buddy,” Jerome replied, pulling away from the embrace.

“You too man.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this,” Warrick grinned at his friend.

“No problem man.  Besides, the wife is having some Avon, Tupperware, something or other type party.  Your call saved me from that womanly torture.” He laughed turning to Catherine, “And you must be the lady of the night.”

“Lady of the night?” Catherine asked looking at Warrick, confused by what was going on.

“Jerome O’Brian, the lovely Catherine Willows,” Warrick introduced, ignoring the blondes question.

“Pleasure my lady,” Jerome replied shaking Catherine’s hand.

“Thank you Jerome.  Nice to meet you as well.” She smiled at the tall man.

“With that beautiful smile alone, I can see why you’re worth it,” Jerome replied, releasing her hand.

“Worth what?”  Warrick tell me what’s going on,” Catherine stated, growing more and more curious.

“Right this way,” Jerome interrupted, leading them to a table in front of a small stage.

There were only two tables set up at this point in the evening.  Each had three candles in the center circling a vase with two white roses and one red.  The two tables were covered in a white table cloths with a red liner down timidly.  The section they were standing in was the only one set up.  The other tables still had there chairs ontop from the night before.

“You’re still waiting on one more right?” Jerome asked Warrick.

“Yeah.  He’s never late so, he should be here any minute.  I can’t thank you enough man for letting us do this,” Warrick stated.

“You put Keisha’s rapist away. I’m in debt to you for life.  This is nothing,” Jerome replied, eyes becoming glossy at the memory of his daughters rape. “Is that your man?”  Jerome asked pointing to the door.  Warrick turned around and saw the figure walking further into the room.

“Yeah, that’s him”

“I’ll be right back,” Jerome responded, retreating to the figure.  Warrick snapped Catherine around so she couldn’t see who was walking into the restaurant.

“Catherine, I need you to promise me that you won’t leave.  No matter what happens, you have to promise me that you’ll stay,” Warrick pleaded quickly.

“Warrick, what is….” Catherine started.

“Promise me right now Cath,” He repeated.


“Cath, promise me!”

“Okay…okay.  I swear I won’t leave.  Now, will you tell me what’s…” The color drained from Catherine’s face and she lost her words when she saw Grissom being seated at the table beside them.

“You promised me Cath,” Warrick reminded her, knowing that Grissom was behind them.

“Why are you doing this?” She whispered tears, welling up in her eyes. “Did you think I would actually enjoy watching them on their first date,” She snapped as a tear ran down her cheek.

“You’ve got to trust me Catherine.  I don’t ever want to hurt you,” Catherine gave him a disbelieving look.  “Please just sit down. Please?” The blonde reluctantly took a seat trying her best not to cry.

“Warrick? Catherine? What are you guys doing here?” Grissom asked noticing the pair next to him.

“I’m wondering the same thing myself,” Catherine muttered giving Warrick a deadly glare.

“Trust me,” Warrick said softy, placing a hand on the blonde’s shoulder.

Catherine was about to respond when the lights on the stage turned on. Jerome back the curtains to reveal a grand piano and Nick, sitting in a chair on the stage holding a guitar.  Catherine and Grissom both couldn’t contain the look of shock and confusion on their faces.  The blonde CSI glanced up at Warrick as Greg appeared on stage.  The CSI in-training smiled and nodded at Nick before hopping off the stage, making his way to Warrick and Catherine’s table.

“Hey guys.  You ready Warrick?” Greg asked reaching the duo.

“Yeah, just make sure that she doesn’t leave,” Warrick answered slapping the lab techs shoulder.

“Alright, someone needs to explain to me what the hell is going on!” Catherine demanded.  Warrick ignored her rant and walked to the stage as Greg took a seat next to Catherine.

“All good things come to those who wait,” Greg beamed as Warrick sat down on at the piano.

The blonde woman was about to respond when the light in the restaurant dimmed and the lights on the stage became softer.  Catherine watched intently as Nick nodded his head to something off stage.  Just then a female voice filled the room.

“If you think I could love anyone but you, you’re wrong.  If you think I will ever want to, wrong again.”

Both Grissom and Catherine recognized Sara’s voice and Grissom smiled over at Catherine.  The eldest CSI was sure those words were meant for him.  The blonde took a deep breath in when Nick and Warrick began to play the opening cords of a song. As the boys played, Sara began to walk slowly into view on the small stage.

“She is so beautiful,” Catherine said under her breath, but Greg was close enough to hear her comment and smile.

The brunette emerged with her hair half up and half down filled with curls.  She was stunning in a burgundy colored spaghetti strapped gown than came to the floor.  Near the midsection of the dress Catherine noticed small, what looked like shreds covered by glittery mesh, showing just slivers of Sara’s skin.  One shred went down the side of the brunette’s long leg, causing all in the room to take notice at how beautiful Sara really was. 
The dress hugged every curve of Sara’s body putting Catherine in awe at the beautiful sight before her.  But Catherine’s smile soon faded remembering that this beautiful woman was the reason she cried all afternoon.  The blonde woman’s heart broke when Sara turned and looked directly at Grissom.  The younger woman kept her eyes on their boss as she began to sing.

From the day we met
You made me forget
All my fears
Knew just what to say
And you kissed away
All my tears

Sara offered Grissom a sweet smile as the man beamed with pride at the thought  that Sara would do all of this for him.

I knew this time I had finally found
Someone to build my life around
Who'd be a lover and a friend
After all my heart had put me through
I knew that it was safe with you
And what we had would never end
Wrong again

The brunette continued to smile as she stepped off the stage onto the restaurant floor and began walking to Grissom’s table.

“I can’t watch this,” Catherine struggled as a tears escaped her eyes.  Greg placed a reassuring hand on her knee and leaned into her ear.

“Listen to the lyrics.  Just listen Catherine,” He whispered as Sara began to sing again.

Everybody swore
They'd seen this before
We'd be fine
And you'd come to see that you still loved me
In good time

Sara placed a hand on Grissom’s shoulder as he looked up at her.

And they said there's nothing you can do
It's something that he's going through
It happens to a lot of men
And I told myself that they were right
That you'd wake up and see the light
And I just had to wait 'til then
Wrong again

The brunette gave Grissom an apologetic look and squeezed his shoulder lightly.  As the lyrics gave way to the music for a moment, Sara walked behind Grissom’s chair and made her way over to where Catherine was sitting.  The younger woman crouched down in front of the blonde as she began to sing the chorus one last time.

And it seemed to me the pain would last
My chance for happiness had passed
And nothing waited 'round the bend

Sara took a hold of Catherine’s hand, pulling her into a standing position.  The brunette let go of the older woman’s hand, and gently placed her hand on the side of Catherine’s face.

I was sure I'd never find someone
To heal the damage he had done

The brunette wiped a tear away from Catherine’s cheek with her thumb and tried to get Catherine to look at her with no success.

And my poor heart would never mend
Wrong again

Sara placed her forehead to the older woman’s as she sang the last words of the song softly against Catherine’s lips.

Wrong again

As the music came to an end, Sara placed the microphone on the table and took both of Catherine’s hands in her own.

“Angel look at me please,” The brunette whispered softly.  Catherine looked up from their joined hands and into brown eyes.

“Earlier today was a huge misunderstanding,  The only reason I said yes to dinner with Grissom was because of his position at the lab.  Telling my boss, on the clock, that I am madly in love with you and not him, to me, is disrespectful.  You didn’t hear the whole conversation, angel.  I told him he was too late.” She whispered a lump rising in her throat.

“Angel,” The brunette continued, cupping the older woman’s face in her hands. “I love you and Lindsey with all of my heart.  I’ll spend everyday we spend together making it up to you.  Please say you’ll forgive me.  Catherine please,” Sara struggled, tears in her eyes matching those in the blonde’s.

“Please forgive me,” The younger woman pleaded. “Please.”

“I’m sorry Sara but I can’t,” Catherine cried looking into heartbroken brown eyes.


Side note....I was trying to describe the dress that the lovely Jorja wore to the 53rd Annual Creative Arts Emmy's

Link to the image at PureJorja here:


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