Wrong Again Chapter 11

Sep 18, 2006 19:32

Thank you for your patience up to this point in my post chapters.  And most of all thank you so much for keeping an intrest.  On with Chapter 11

TITLE: Wrong Again 11/?
RATING: NC-17/M for future chapters
CATEGORY: Catherine/Sara Romance 
DISCLAIMER: Don't own anything!
SPOILERS: Takes place right where ‘Play with Fire’ ended
ARCHIVE: With Authors Permission VanillaBug1@comcast.net
SUMMARY: After Grissom rejects Sara's dinner invitation, she takes some time off. While Catherine is still suspended the two women decide to work on their friendship. Both realizing their feelings go much deeper than friendship. Meanwhile, Grissom finally admits his feeling for Sara. Who will she choose?

Wrong Again 11/?

Sara was awakened in the middle of the night with a beautiful blonde tossing and turning in the space beside her. At first the young CSI thought Catherine was having a nightmare. The brunette was about to wake her friend up when Catherine’s sultry voice stopped her.

“Mmmmmm Sara,” The blonde moaned still deep in sleep, a sexy look on her face. Sara propped herself up on her elbow and watched the older woman as she dreamed. The brunette smiled at the fact that Catherine was having a dream about her. A very good dream from what Sara could gather.

“Sara,” Catherine breathed as she arched her neck back into the pillow. The more the brunette watched, the more Sara wanted to make her new girlfriend’s dream a reality. The younger woman moved closer to Catherine, running her hand across the blonde’s waist, beginning to kiss her neck.

“Catherine,” The brunette whispered, “Wake up Catherine,” Sara continued in the older woman’s ear.

“Mmm” Catherine purred, still asleep. Sara slowly inched her hand higher on the stomach still trying to wake her.

“Come on Cath, wake up honey,” The brunette coaxed before pressing her lips to Catherine’s.

“Hmm” The blonde replied as Sara began kissing her. As Catherine began to wake up, she came to the realization that the leggy brunette was exploring her mouth.

“That’s the best damn alarm clock ever,” The older woman sighed happily, “What time is it?”

“About 1:30,” The brunette stated continuing to kiss her.

“Now, don’t take this the wrong way, cause you can kiss me anytime you want, but why did you wake me up?” Catherine smiled.

“Cause you were dreaming,” Sara replied, caressing the blonde’s stomach.

“Yes, I was but…..” The older woman started.

“Loudly,” The brunette interrupted, her lips traveling down Catherine’s neck.

“Oh….” The blonde responded, slightly embarrassed as she remembered what she was dreaming about.

“It was a good dream?” Sara asked pulling Catherine closer.

“Yes it was,” The older woman replied, a blush creeping on her cheeks.

“I heard my name. Was I in it?” The brunette teased, sucking on Catherine’s earlobe.

“Yes you were,” She replied, taking a deep breath.

“What was I doing?” Sara questioned, moving herself onto of Catherine.

“You were um…..you were kissing me,” The blonde confessed, her heart racing.

“Oh, like this?” The brunette asked, bringing her lips to meet Catherine’s. The older woman brought her hands to Sara’s hips as the they kissed slowly and passionately.

“Mmm hmm” Catherine replied, breathlessly.

“What else was I doing?” Sara asked, playing with the bottom of Catherine’s tank top, slowing working her way underneath.

“Sara, we should stop,” The blonde stated, praying for the strength she could stop.

“Do you want me to stop?” Sara questioned, looking into blue eyes.

“No,” Catherine whispered honestly.

“Then tell me what I was doing. Or better yet… what do you want me to do?” The brunette asked giving her a devilish grin. Catherine took Sara’s face in her hands, making sure that the younger woman saw the desire in her eyes.

“I want you Sara,” The blonde whispered, ”Anyway I can have you.” The brunette leaned down and kissed Catherine deeply. Sara ran her hands under the blonde’s shirt, gently brushing her hands over Catherine’s bare breasts before trailing back down to the older woman’s sides. Sara gripped the bottom of the blonde’s shirt, kissing her way back to Catherine’s ear.

“Are you sure,” The brunette whispered.

Having trouble finding words, Catherine simply nodded her head yes in response. The blonde felt Sara slowly bunch her shirt up just below her breasts. The brunette teased Catherine by brushing her thumbs over the older woman’s breast which was still covered by her tank top. The blonde arched her back in response to the younger woman’s touch, demanding more. Sara took a hold of Catherine’s top and pulled it over her head.

The older woman was shy at first, nervously shifting beneath Sara.

“How can someone be so beautiful?” The brunette cooed, kissing Catherine again.

Sara traced her hands down the blonde’s skin, sending goose bumps all over her body. The younger woman kissed her way down the center of Catherine’s chest as the blonde’s hands tangled themselves in Sara’s hair. The brunette ran her fingers up Catherine’s side making her shiver. Gently caressing the older woman’s breast, Sara rolled her thumb over her nipple. The blonde felt the younger woman smile against her skin as she placed soft kisses on Catherine’s other breast.

The older CSI’s body responded pushing herself up into Sara’s. The brunette giggled slightly as she flicked her tongue over Catherine’s nipple. Sara blew softly over the blonde’s breast causing Catherine to gasp for breath.

“Oh God Sara,” The older woman whispered out of breath.

Sara never stopped her movements, paying the same attention to Catherine’s other breast before kissing her way back up the blonde’s chest. The older CSI devoured the brunette’s lips as Sara hands settled on Catherine’s hips. The younger woman shifted her weight off to the side as she pulled the blonde’s shorts down her legs. Impatiently, Catherine kicked her shorts the rest of the way off, pulling Sara back on top of her. The blonde anxiously grabbed Sara’s shirt pulling it over her head finally breaking their kiss.

Sara rested her forehead against the older woman’s, both trying to catch their breath. Catherine traced he fingers down Sara’s body, lightly raking her nail over the brunette’s chest. Catherine reached around Sara, squeezing the younger woman’s ass pulling her closer. The brunette began to kiss her lover again as she moved, straddling her thigh. Catherine’s breathing rapidly increase as the younger woman’s hand made it’s way down her body. She reached the fabric of Catherine’s thong and began toying with the thin material around her hips. As the blonde felt Sara’s fingers dancing around her hips she began to shake causing the brunette to stop her movements.

“Cath, you okay?” Sara whispered, voice full of concern Catherine wasn’t ready.

“Yes,” The blonde breathlessly managed to say.

“Catherine, if you’re not ready, neither am I. I don’t want to rush….” Sara started to say.

“Shhhh…” Catherine silenced her with a kiss. The older woman placed one of hands on top of Sara’s as she guided the brunette’s under the fabric.

“Every time I hear your voice, every time you kiss me, Sara, every time you touch me, this is what you do to me,” The blonde confessed removing her hand from on top Sara’s, bringing it up to cup her face, “ I want you more than anything Sara,” she whispered.

“That’s good, because I don’t think I could stop even if you wanted me to,” The brunette replied kissing Catherine again.

Sara slid a finger between the blonde’s inner folds as Catherine’s body reacted lifting into the brunette’s touch. As the younger woman kissed Catherine’s cheek, Sara began slowly moving her finger, teasing the blonde.

“Sara, baby please,” The older woman pleaded breathlessly.

The brunette smiled as she looked into blue eyes. Heat and desire was what she saw and she pressed her lips back to her lover’s. Sara slipped her tongue past the blonde’s lips as she moved her finger inside of Catherine. The older woman moaned in Sara’s kiss when she felt the brunette moving inside her.

The blonde moved her hands up and down the length of Sara’s back as the brunette slipped another finger inside of her. Catherine dug her nails into Sara’s back as she broke their kiss and sharply inhaled when she felt the lovers fingers moving inside her, the brunette’s thumb circling around her center.

“Oh God Sara,” The older woman mumbled, pressing Sara’s body as close as she could to her own.

The younger woman quicken the pace of her hand and she began kissing the blonde’s neck. Sara sought out Catherine’s accelerated heart rate and began sucking gently on her pulse point. The older woman began grinding her hips into Sara’s hand not able to get enough.

“Don’t stop Sara,” Catherine pleaded in the brunette’s ear. Sara pressed her thumb harder into the lover’s center, pulling a little harder at the skin on Catherine’s neck.

“Oh God Sara, I can’t…. hold….” Catherine stuttered as she arched her back on the verge of letting go.

Sara trailed light kisses along the blonde’s neck before capturing Catherine’s lips with her own in a passionate kiss. Catherine gently pulled the brunette deeper into the kiss as the brunette continued moving inside her bringing the blonde closer to her peak.

“Sara….” Catherine whimpered between breaths. Sara placed her forehead to Catherine’s and nuzzled her nose before kissing her lover softly.

“Let go, Cath,” Sara coaxed, her breath on Catherine’s lips.

The blonde bit her own bottom lip as Sara moved her thumb in rapid circles around her center. Catherine dug her nails into the brunette’s shoulders as she threw her neck back. Sara followed her lover’s movements, never removing her forehead for Catherine’s.

“Sara…” The blonde said, trying to control the volume of her voice. Catherine’s body began to tremble underneath the brunette’s. Passion took over the older woman as her voice grew louder as Sara brought her over the edge.

“OH GOD SA…” Her voice was silenced by the brunette’s lips crushing against her own. Catherine moaned into the kiss as Sara slowed her movements inside her. Still shaking the older woman brought her hands to rest on the sides of Sara’s face as the brunette pulled away slightly.

“Sara…I ……I can’t breath,” Catherine panted, caressing Sara’s cheek trying to steady her breathing.

“That’s a good thing right?” The brunette teased, removing herself from inside Catherine.

“Baby, that is a very good thing,” The older woman replied kissing Sara.

“I think I like you calling me baby,” Sara whispered, gripping the blonde’s hips.

“Oh really? Well, what else do you like?” Catherine asked, running her hands over the brunette’s chest still trying to catch her breath.

“I like hearing you say my name,” She replied kissing the older woman again. “But, this time, can you be a little quieter?” Sara asked taking a hold of the sides of Catherine’s thong.

“This time?” The blonde asked confused until she saw the devilish gleam in her lovers eyes. “Oh God Sara, you just….. I don’t think I can handle…” Catherine stammered.

“Shhhh,” Sara whispered, placing a finger to the older woman’s lips. “This was your dream angel,” she finished placing a light kiss on Catherine’s lips.

“But Sara, I want you to……” Catherine started again.

“Catherine, please just let me,” Sara pleaded with lust filled eyes.

“You can do anything you want,” The blonde confessed.

“I want you,” Sara whispered nuzzling Catherine’s nose. The older woman’s hands caressed the side of the brunette’s face. She pushed Sara’s face away just enough to look into her brown eyes.

“You know, most people want things they don’t have already. And Sara, you’ve had me for a long time,” Catherine whispered softly.

A slight blush came across the brunette’s cheeks as she pressed her lips to Catherine’s. The blonde tangled her hands in Sara’s hair as the younger woman began kissing down her body. Reaching the blonde’s belly button, Sara placed a wet kiss on Catherine’s skin before slowly removing the blonde’s thong down her legs.

Sara lightly traced her fingers up Catherine’s legs causing the blonde to shiver. The younger woman placed a kiss on the lover already wet curls before nuzzling her with her nose. The brunettes began kissing the side of Catherine’s thighs and the blonde moved her hips in anticipation.

“Sara baby, I can’t…… for much longer….” Catherine pleaded.

The younger woman knew her lover was already close and smiled against the blonde’s skin. Sara gentle kissed her way across Catherine’s thigh. The blonde’s grip in Sara’s hair tightened as she felt her lovers tongue slip between her folds.

“Sara….” Catherine gasped.

The brunette moved up and down on the blonde slipping her tongue inside her lover. She reached the around swollen center and flicked her tongue across Catherine as the blonde pushed her hips into Sara. The brunette gently sucked on the older woman’s core, eager to take her lover over the edge. Catherine gripped the sheets, arching her back trying to control her voice.

“Jesus Sara, don’t stop baby, so close” The blonde pleaded breathlessly. The younger woman continued her movements as she felt Catherine release

“Sara,” She whispered as her body trembled, trying to remember how to breathe. “Come here baby…..please….come here,” The blonde struggled as Sara kissed her way back up Catherine’s body.

With all the strength she had in her, the older woman cupped Sara’s face capturing the brunette in a kiss. Tasting herself on her lovers lips, she wrapped her arms around Sara’s neck pulling the brunette on top of her. Sara noticed that Catherine was still shaking and gasping for breath so she placed her forehead to the blonde’s, breaking their kiss.

“Are you okay?” Sara whispered against the older woman’s lips.

“I can’t…..I can’t move…..I can’t catch my breath……I can’t stop shaking….Baby I’m better than okay,” The blonde stammered between short breaths. Sara kissed her nose and moved to the side of Catherine.

“Come here,” The brunette whispered, moving the older woman into her side.

Catherine laid her arm over Sara’s waist, placing a kiss in the brunette’s neck. The younger woman kissed the top of Catherine’s forehead as she took the blonde’s hand that was around her waist and laced their fingers together. The brunette brought their joined hands to her lips and kissed the older woman’s knuckles, bring a smile to the blonde’s face. Sara placed their joined hands on her bare chest over her heart. The brunette’s other hand gently ran through the blondes hair and down her back as Catherine’s breathing became more steady.

“Just relax angel. I’m right here,” The brunette whispered in her lovers hair.

“Promise?” Catherine replied.

“Always,” Sara assured turning her head capturing the blondes lips in a sweet kiss. “Now rest” She finished pulling the covers up and around them as they both fell fast asleep

This is why the fic is rated what it is!
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