(no subject)

Mar 07, 2006 20:14

Part four!

Title: One Night- Part 4
Author: fate216
Rating: PG for light sexual suggestions
Category: Cath/Sara, fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just bringing them back for a little wine...
Summary: Let's go out tonight!

The drive to Sara’s was exceedingly less tense than the ride to the restaurant had been. Sara was a bit more social and Catherine had loosened up; the two of them kept up a playful banter throughout the drive.

“So, do you often invite other women back to your place on the first date, Sara?” Catherine was being coy, not taking her eyes off the road.

“Uh, you’re the first, actually,” Sara replied, knowing Cat would give her grief for that answer.

Catherine gave her a look Sara couldn’t quite read, a mixture of cynicism and timidity. Sara mocked the look back at her friend. “Aww, what is it?” she asked, pouting her lips.

Catherine decided to screw with Sara. “What is what?” she countered.

Sara snorted. “Nothing,” she said, sitting back in the passenger’s seat.

The blonde grinned. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Catherine inhaled a sharp breath. Saved. Still, she couldn’t help looking over at her now- silent companion, thinking of how those pouted lips would feel against her own. Catherine coughed suddenly to stir herself from her daydream.

Evidently, she wasn’t stirred enough. Sara started to laugh. “Hey, Cat?”

Catherine gave the taller woman an indignant look. “What’s so funny?” she demanded.

Sara only continued to giggle. “Well,” she began, snickering, “This is about the third time we’ve gone down this street, and no matter how many times I tell you, you can’t seem to wake up enough to realize that my house isn’t on it.”

“What…?” Catherine’s confusion was enough to make Sara burst into a fresh bout of laughter.

“Next street over, sweetheart,” was all the brunette could say.

“Oh… right,” Catherine said, falling silent soon thereafter.

Sara stopped laughing, and frowned a little instead. Had she hurt Cat’s feelings? She wasn’t sure; she and her friend never usually interacted like this. “Catherine?” Sara used her colleague’s full name. “I was just kidding, you know, and I’m sorry if it hurt you…”

Catherine didn’t seem to hear her. “Here we are,” she said, pulling into Sara’s driveway. “I’ll get the food.” She turned off the car, pulled the keys from the ignition and unbuckled her seatbelt.

“I can, uh, get it, actually, since, you know, you’re already carrying something,” Sara wondered if she was treading on thin ice.

Catherine shrugged. “Okay,” she said, getting out of the car.

Sara still couldn’t read the expression on her friend’s face. She grabbed the bags of carryout from the backseat, opened her door, and began to walk up the driveway. She fished around her coat pockets for her key; once she found it, she opened the door, holding the screen door open for Catherine.

Once inside, Sara placed the bags on her white tile counter and began walking around her cream- colored kitchen- one of the only rooms in her house that was devoid of purple- pulling things out to set a nice table. She wasn’t really concerned with how the table looked; actually, she was just trying to make herself look busy so she’d have an excuse not to glance over at the still- hushed Catherine.

“Need help?” the blonde finally said.

“No, I got it,” the taller woman would’ve appreciated help, but she wanted to distance herself from her edgy colleague.

Dinner was a quiet event. Anxious, hidden glances flew across the table at immense speeds; small talk flared up and disappeared again like flickering candlelight. The air hung heavy in the room, the tension of the night tangible and fragile; almost as if nobody wanted to break it. The glass of wine in front of the fireplace in Sara’s living room afterwards only served to ever- so- slightly soften the density of the house. Sara was smart, though, and kept the wine out, if not flowing.

“Catherine,” Sara began, “If I was out of line in the car, I’m sorry…”

Catherine looked up at Sara and grinned. “You weren’t. I’m just… I’m tired.”

“Tired, huh?” Sara smiled at her friend. She inched a bit closer. “Tough week?”

Catherine nodded. “Yeah.” She could feel the heat rise in the room as her the brunette moved toward her on the couch. She chewed her lower lip instinctively.

Sara was a little unsure of herself as she openly flirted with her co- worker. She saw a few strands of blonde hair hanging in front of Catherine’s attractive azure eyes. Without thinking, Sara reached out and pushed them behind Catherine’s ears.

Catherine wasn’t sure if she minded when she felt Sara’s cold fingers so close to her neck. She did look down though, causing Sara to pull back. But Catherine gave her friend a look, telling her that it was okay. Telling her that if the house were to fall apart, leaving behind a cloud of dust and ash, when the smoke cleared, she would still find Catherine, sitting there, looking into her eyes.

author:fate216, rating:pg, title:one night, length:chapter fic

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