Title: Whispers of the Heart
Chapter : 3/?
Pairings : KyuMi (main), EunHae, HanChul, WonMin, YunJae, HenWook, KiSung, KangTeuk. Kyuhyun/Sooyoung
Rating : This chapter - G
Summary: Kyuhyun has never been good with people, an antisocial teenage girl she's used to being alone, so when she meets the lively Zhou Mi in a bookstore, she can't help but lose her senses and fall for the girl who can't fail to make her smile. So what if her friends push her towards somebody new?
As always, thankyou daisy :3
Chapter one Chapter Two part 1 Chapter Two part 2 “Heechul, let go of my arm. And please stop squealing!”
“But listen to them.”
“Two boys speaking Chinese. Lets throw a party!”
“Ryeowook understands, don’t you? Yes, see, she does! It’s so cute!”
“It’s just two people talking in another language, normally you’d get annoyed and yell at them!”
“Kyuhyun! Just listen though; don’t you think it’s cute when Zhou Mi speaks Chinese?”
Kyuhyun nearly choked on her drink trying to think of a response. No, she did not find it cute when Zhou Mi spoke Chinese. She found it downright sexy. Whenever Zhou Mi spoke in Chinese in front of Kyuhyun all she could think about was pinning her down and…
“Please tell me you are not having dirty lesbian thoughts while I’m eating my pudding.”
Kyuhyun felt her face go bright red as she stared in shock at Heechul, the rest of the table turning to look at her and laugh before carrying on with previous conversations. Yesung, Kibum and Changmin appeared to be flinging bits of paper at Jaejoong in attempts to get it down her top; Eunhyuk and Donghae were being horrendously cute, feeding each other chocolate cake; Heechul was eating some stupidly large pudding that looked to be made of four kinds of ice-cream with cake and fruit, and Ryeowook was staring at Henry whilst mauling a distressed Sungmin's arm. Henry was still talking to Hankyung in Chinese. Kangin and Eeteuk we’re giggling because of the chocolate on Eeteuk’s face.
“Ryeowook, let go of Sungmin.” Kyuhyun decided she was the only sane one at the table.
It was already dark by the time they had finished shopping and arrived at Heechul's house. After Heechul had made a second inappropriate remark about Kyuhyun’s ‘dirty lesbian thoughts’, Kyuhyun had taken revenge by inviting Kibum to join them at Heechul’s house where he was currently sat beating Yesung on a racing game by putting his hand onto Yesung’s leg to distract him - much to Heechul's horror.
Luckily for Kibum it appeared that Hankyung was able to calm Heechul down, much to everyone’s surprise. Kyuhyun thought he might just be a magician. On the bus to Heechul's she had learnt from Ryeowook that Heechul had met him at a party a few weeks before, a party Kyuhyun had made excuses not to go to. She went on to reveal that Henry was a friend of hers from her piano school, and even though Ryeowook had been on a few dates with him, she had no idea what was going on. Seeing them now curled up on the sofa together laughing at Yesung’s car managing to land upside down in the ocean, Kyuhyun could see that there was obviously something between them.
Eeteuk and Kangin had left before they got the bus, Sungmin glaring at their backs for as long as she could see them. Sungmin herself was currently curled up into Kyuhyun's side, explaining how unfair life was because she couldn’t get a decent guy; Kyuhyun wasn’t listening, but she was sure she heard the name 'Siwon' once or twice. Kyuhyun had to try hard not to look to her right where Donghae and Eunhyuk had taken to cuddling in the corner. Even though Kyuhyun was certain she didn’t like Donghae anymore, every time she saw them kiss she couldn’t help but get a little jealous.
“OK! You guys suck at this game. Yesung, move away from the console, I’m choosing a film!” Heechul announced. Everyone groaned. Whatever film it was, if Heechul picked it nobody was going to like it but her and perhaps Ryeowook. Kyuhyun watched as she skipped over to her unnaturally large DVD collection, dragging Hankyung the whole way.
The film Heechul had chosen turned out to be some boring romantic film that only she, Ryeowook, and Yesung seemed to be enjoying; everyone else was pretty bored. Kyuhyun was trying very hard not to look at her phone. She had told Zhou Mi that she didn’t have to call but still she looked anyway - 10:18 and still nothing - maybe she had gone out with one of her many university friends, Kyuhyun thought. She wasn’t jealous, never. She sighed, leaning up to push a sleeping Sungmin off her and waking her in the process.
She went into her rucksack to find her pyjamas and after five minutes of searching realised she had forgotten them. “Heechul, have you got any PJs I can borrow?”
Heechul stared at her for a few seconds before laughing. “Oh you were being serious! Um... Honey do I look like I wear anything decent when I sleep? I might have an old pair actually, in the blue box under my bed,” Kyuhyun nodded and started to walk away towards Heechuls bedroom, “the blue box, not the red!”
Kyuhyun walked into Heechuls rather large bedroom and over to the enormous bed, shooing Heechul's spoilt cat off it so she could pull out the box and look for something to sleep in. She found the most horrendously vile pink pyjamas which ordinarily would be immediately rejected, but they were preferable to sleeping in her clothes. She changed quickly and was pushing the blue box back under Heechuls bed when she spotted the red box. Kyuhyun wasn’t nosy by nature, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by Heechuls insistence of blue, not red, and she opened the lid of the box.
“Heechul, any reason you have a box of whips, handcuffs, uniforms and sex toys under your bed?”
“Oh for God's sake, I said blue box!”
Hankyung looked startled, glancing between Heechul, Kyuhyun and the floor. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy. If she was honest, she and everyone else in the room was less than surprised about the contents of the box, but Hankyung on the other hand hadn’t been around long enough.
“I think I’m going to be sick!”
Oh, and Yesung.
It was at this moment Kyuhyun noticed that all the girls were sat in the corner crowded around Heechul's expensive pink laptop. She could hear the ding of messenger. This couldn’t be good.
“Kyuhyun, are you busy tomorrow?”
“Hey, just answer Sungmin’s question!”
Kyuhyun dodged the pillow that Heechul threw at her and sat down.
“Doesn’t look like it, why?”
Sungmin bounced down into the seat next to Kyuhyun.
“Well, you know Sooyoung in the year below us?”
Kyuhyun shook her head.
“Yes you do! My friend, skinny, pretty, mega tall!”
Oh, her - everyone knew her. She was the hottest girl in school, it was hard for Kyuhyun not to have noticed her. She nodded, signalling Sungmin to continue before she exploded.
“Well, she’s been asking about you, and we kind of told her you would go on a date with her tomorrow!”
Kyuhyun stared “You did what? Sungmin! I can’t believe you'd... she’s been asking? I didn’t think she knew who I was!”
“She heard you sing.”
“At that talent show I convinced you to sing in.”
“Heechul you didn’t convince me, you held my DS ransom for over a week until I did it!”
“Either way, it got you noticed didn’t it?”
Kyuhyun sighed, resting her head in her hands.
“I already told her 'yes'…”
She had to consider it. What else was she going to do, sit about and wait to maybe see Zhou Mi? Who, she noted, hadn’t even called her. Or she could go on a date with a really hot girl she didn’t know.
“Sure, why not? What time?”
The room filled with squeals as she was hugged by too many people at once and told the details of her date over and over. Maybe this had been a bad idea