Jackrabbit was sleeping soundly, sprawled on top of his blanket, Sweeney snoring beside him. He was half (and clumsily) undressed as if they were in the process of something before they had both about passed out. Sweeney's plastic green bowler hat was on him, covering his face and holding more dents than it did previously
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"Oh. Sweet. Merlin," she says softly.
Jackrabbit wanted badly to make it to the bathroom but getting up was just not going to happen and for a fleeting moment he thought, thank god I don't have carpet, before he leaned over the side of the bed and threw up.
Swallowing down his own bile and his splitting headache, Sweeney half sat up and rubbed Jackrabbit's back.
"S'okay, babe, s'okay..."
*muffled* "Lovely, just lovely."
Oh in the name of all those gods he didn't know he was never drinking again.
"Get him some water, will ya?"
"You get it," she orders, pulling out her wand and cleaning up the vomit, stench, and whatever else is foul.
He took the hand on his chest and gave it a squeeze.
"Hang in there, man. Gonna get you some water."
Very gingerly, he rolled himself into a sitting position and swung his legs over the side of the bed, steeling himself before standing.
"A hungover Rabbit. Never thought I'd see this," she says softly, shaking her head.
If she thought it would work, she would pop home and get the sobering potion. But with him being muggle, she doesn't want to risk it.
It's going to be a long day for him.
His hang over sucked, yes. But it was a pretty long ways from the worst he'd ever had.
"Here," he said, sitting on the bed. "Try a bit of this."
But she'll say nothing, as hard as it is to keep silent and watch. No, she'll just do her part, and be a good friend.
*to Sweeney, strained* "If you're wondering why I'm here, I bought some clothes for your child. The bag's on the dresser."
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