Title: Macaroni and Bananas
eponine254 Fandom/Character(s)/Pairing(s): Original
Genre: General
Rating: G
Words: 191
fictionland #28: Homesick
Warnings: None
Notes: This is how I remember Prague. Except that it was clearer that the mushroom cloud was actually garlic.
Summary: There's nothing like grocery shopping in a strange country to make you
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Comments 1
Yay for Snow White having a spine and planning to fight ninjas! My favourite line is the glass box one! And it's really cool that you mentioned that he didn't think of her as a person just as a pretty trophy that should smile a lot, even though he wasn't cruel or abusive. It's even worse this way because it's *just* his outlook. It's a good point about fairytale princes.
I find it heartbreaking that she is actually contemplating poison apples.
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