1865 год. Насосная станция очистных сооружений в Лондоне.

Jul 21, 2016 20:59

Умели строить! И денег не жалели, такую красоту и великолепие создавали для простой насосной станции каннализационных стоков!
Кто бы мог подумать, что насосная станция очистки сточных(канализационных!) вод может быть такой изысканно красивой! Интерьеры Викторианской насосной станции теперь открыты для посетителей как новейшая достопримечательность Лондона. Эта насосная станция на Лондонском Abbey Wood только что после ремонта и восстановления стоимостью несколько миллионов фунтов стерлингов.
Станция впервые открылась в 1865 году, и теперь является , благодаря своему потрясающе красивому интерьеру, историческим зданием 1-ой категории.
Большая часть структуры насосной станции осталась неизменной, в том числе старые насосы и детали чугунных решёток.

A pumping station in south-east London that was built in 1865 has had a multi-million pound makeover

The Crossness Pumping Station was built by Sir Joseph Bazalgette as part of the capital's new sewage system

The pumping station in Abbey Wood is now opening its doors to the public after a huge makeover

As well as providing an important function, the design also included incredibly intricate cast iron detailing of the era

The Beam Engine House is now Grade I listed and as a result, much of the original structure remains intact today

A picture of the Crossness pumping Station before renovations on the property had been completed

Handrails were of highly polished tubular brass and the ironwork was painted in natural colours in line with the leaves, branches and fruit that are represented

The interior of the Engine House was provided with wrought and cast iron work of the most ornate design

The openwork upper iron floors were painted in French grey and vermilion, whilst the shafts of the main columns were in Indi

The four original pumping engines are possibly the largest remaining rotative beam engines in the world, with 52 ton flywheels and 47 ton beams

Men and women gather for a photograph outside the entrance to the pumping station during its opening in 1865

Detail of the wrought ironwork at Crossness, left, and intricate stone work on the exterior of the building, right

The four engines are placed in the corners of the building, the centre of which is occupied by an octagonal structure of iron columns with richly ornamented capitals, supporting iron arched screens and the open octagonal well on the main beam floor

Visitors in their finery pose outside the building to celebrate its opening in 1865

A restored steam engine named Prince Consort at Crossness - on the station's next open day on July 24 they will be running the machine on steam.

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1914 год. Электростанция в Будапеште-шедевр промышленного дизайна.


19-ый век. Насосная станция. Лондон.

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