Old Kingdom - For Her the Bells Toll

Feb 01, 2012 21:15

This year, I have a goal for halfamoon: one image-like creation thing of awesome women per day. Let's see if I succeed?

My first entry is from the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix. If you have not read these, you totally need to. Lirael is a woman who thought her future was laid out for her, but discovers that is one thing that, despite her best attempts, is definitely not for her. She sees the past and deals in Death and rather wanted neither, but this is what she was given. She also kicks ass.


For Her the Bells Toll

Also available without the words, if you prefer.

Feedback is always welcomed.

Also to note, in case anyone is interested, the preview is 100 x100, so it is icon size.

This entry was originally posted at http://cat-77.dreamwidth.org/385184.html. Current comments

halfamoon, icons, art-like thing

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