It's done! It's hosted on my main Storypage, but not yet linked from the index due to some remaining access issues with the laptop I'm still using. Please, if you see any errors or have any problems whatsoever, let me know and I will try to fix them as quickly as possible.
Small Problems Genre: Gen, Team, Kid Fic, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: High PG-13 due to violence and language.
Length: Just over 80,000 words.
Spoilers/Season: Set shortly after “Fragile Balance”
Synopsis: The team returns from a routine mission with three of the four members physically altered. With their health deteriorating, and factions on Earth after them for their own less than noble means, will they be able to find a cure before it’s too late?
Author’s Notes: I have worked on this story for longer than I am willing to admit. It is extremely long, topping out at over 80,000 words and 172 pages. Also, I am quite frankly terrified of posting it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or universe depicted in this story. I am simply borrowing them to play with and making no profit from my efforts.
Please note, due to the sheer size of this thing, it is being hosted off site at my web page in four parts. If you have any issues accessing these pages, please let me know.
Feedback is not only welcomed, but greatly appreciated.