Personally I think people are overreacting. Apparently LJ fired a number of their top staff (various reports put the number between 7 and 13) and this has sparked rumours that LJ is on it's way out.
Basically a bunch of people were fired, that reminds us that LJ is a money making concern that doesn't do this for the love of our angst ridden ZG fiction. And many internet based money making concerns are starting to fall to pieces as fewer companies have budget for online advertising. So our memories may not be as secure as we naturally assume, so we panic, swamp the servers, make them fall over, make advertisers withdraw revenue and then kill the golden goose. God, imagine trying to post this on Facebook...
MSR has is friends with Tegan.
MSR has changed his status to it's complicated
The Lieutenant has joined the group 'I want to kill Gaia'
Comments 7
MSR has is friends with Tegan.
MSR has changed his status to it's complicated
The Lieutenant has joined the group 'I want to kill Gaia'
Tolly has defriended The Lieutenant
Sunshine has joined the group 'Exalted pwn you'
Face is diablerising ur Sire
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