Evidence that Beckett is Looking at Castle in a Whole New Light: Pandora Edition

Feb 14, 2012 22:19

He's alive! After missing two episodes, I finally made my way back to completing a new segment. I blame my "real life responsibilities". But in any case, a new analysis, with an excellent episode to boot. Soooo much going on in this episode, that I'm just going to cut to the chase. As usual, if you tweet, hit me up @spikespeigel. I missed you guys! Did you miss me? On with the show!

You know you missed this smile because it happens in the blink of an eye. But, yeah. This Beckett is completely enamored with Castle that it's getting ridiculous at this point. Seriously. They aren't even trying to date other people because they know they're already pseudo-dating each other. Just without acknowledging it and all that jazz.

Can we just take a moment here to really take in how pivotal this scene is to the growth of our favorite almost couple? Beckett tells Castle to hang back while she checks the rest of the house and what does Castle do? Exactly as he's told. No argument. No whining like he certainly would have during season one and probably season two. Castle knows that in their partnership, Beckett's the cop, and he's the writer/advisor. It just makes my heart go pitter patter seeing these two working in unison like this. Or maybe that's just my heart murmur. Meh. I'll chalk it up to the former and move on.

Oh noes! Here's Beckett's reaction when she sees Castle with the hood over his head. Looks kind of like Cops & Robbers Beckett, doesn't it? Still loving the fact that newBeckett is completely invested in keeping Castle safe from harm. Wonder if that'll play a role later on during the season when both secrets blow up in each other's faces? One can only hope. But in the mean time, a concerned Beckett is a welcome sight. Because it means she genuinely cares about Castle now instead of fighting with her feelings about whether or not she could trust him in the first place.

What was that I said during my commentary for Cops & Robbers regarding Beckett's feelings for Castle now? Her greatest strength, but also her greatest weakness? Just look at what Beckett does as soon as the hood comes off from her head. Instead of surveying her surroundings as soon as she can, she instead turns to Castle and asks him if he's okay. Season one Beckett would never have done this. Neither would have season two. I'm also willing to bet that post Knockdown Beckett surveys the room before checking on Castle. But not anymore. It's not even a choice anymore to Beckett. Castle trumps all. You've got to wonder if the people responsible for Johanna Beckett's murder are keeping score at this point. Because as of right now, hurting Castle seems like a perfectly viable option now if they want Beckett to stop pursuing her mother's case.

Danger! Danger! JealousBeckett about to emerge! JealousBeckett about to emerge! Seriously, has there been a time this season when Beckett hasn't had this look as soon as another woman addressed Castle in a familiar way? There's an easy fix for this, Beckett. Just date your almost boyfriend already and claim your property! Just throwing that out there in case you're looking for advice. You know, if you're looking for it.

Oh, Beckett. Can you try to hide your jealousy a little bit better in the future? Just look at her glaring at the exchange between Sofia and Castle. Coffee? Really? That had to be entirely intentional on David Amann's part. Because we all know that coffee is Beckett and Castle's thing. Even Serena didn't try to bring Castle coffee during Eye of the Beholder. You're just lucky that the writers have been depicting Castle as slightly stupid this season. Because season one Castle would have caught on to your jealousy game long, long ago. In a galaxy... nah. I'm too good for that. Besides, I don't want George Lucas to sue me.

Oh, Castle. Wah wah! He can't even look Beckett in the eye as she begins to put the pieces together. Of course Castle's had former muses. And at this point, I feel vindicated for calling this plot point when spoilers were beginning to trickle out for this episode. Because what else would get into Beckett's craw the most other than the fact that she's not Castle's first muse. It's got to make a girl think. If he's done this before, did those words in the cemetery really have any meaning? We know the answer because we know Castle. But for Beckett, she's got to be completely thrown at this point.

Chill, Beckett! Don't bite Castle's head off yet. At least give him a chance to tell his side of the story. After all, he is an author first and foremost. Still, seeing JealousBeckett makes me smile something fierce. Because *in singsong voice* she's in love with himmmmmmmmmmmm! Now if she could finally make a move on her almost boyfriend...

Eyes boring into the back of Castle's head? Check! It's a shame that Beckett can't get past her jealousy to see that the only reason Castle agreed to help is because he gets to play spy now. Haven't you been paying attention to every other theory Castle's ever thrown at you, Beckett? It's conspiracy this and conspiracy that, for pete's sake! Still, she's got to be thinking about the whole muse thing. The only context Beckett has after all is that muse=love. Which isn't always the case for Castle. Because that title is held solely for you, Beckett. Cemetery? Remember? Or are you actually starting to believe your own lie about not remembering. Hmm.

Here's the quote from Castle at this point.

Look. It was never the way it is between you and me.

Uh, what?!? What does that even mean? What way?!? Be more vague, Castle. Because if I didn't know better, I'm sure I and every other viewer heard this when we saw this scene.

Look. It was never the way between you and me. Because I'm completely in love with you. Full stop. Still, it's nice that Beckett can go from Jealous to Objective in a matter of seconds. She's actually willing to hear Castle out. Can you say character growth? I knew you could.

Can you be more in love with your almost boyfriend, Beckett? Looks like these should be criminal at this point, punishable by copious amounts of kissing and groping. Again, just throwing suggestions out there for anyone willing to listen.

And just like that, Beckett flips the switch from Objective, goes past Jealous, and lands the needle on HystericallyJealousBeckett. Give the guy a break, Beckett. A year is a drop in the pond given the fact that he's been by your side for four years. And if you were to really think about that, wouldn't you realize that Castle's got more than enough research to write Nikki Heat books blindfolded by now? You know why he keeps coming back. You got your answer when he fumbled with the Alexis chocolate badge excuse in Knockdown and again in Knockout when he declared his love to you. The past is the past. Time to live in the here and now, Beckett. Or did you already forget your last session with Doctor Worf?

Geez, Beckett. Rollercoaster much? The way you're going from Jealous to Objective to Loving, you'd think that you were Castle's girlfriend or something. Or something. My heart can't take this anymore. Goodbye cruel world! Oh, well, I guess I should finish this analysis before my heart gives out. Seems like the decent thing to do at any rate.

Nonverbal communication between our fated to be couple? Check! Anyone that fills in thought dialog for these two screencaps and makes me chuckle will win my undying adoration. I'll start.

Beckett: Rick, would you be a dear and...
Castle: Yes, my love. I apologize for my previous transgression.

Damn you, Downton Abbey! I can't even mock my favorite couple without being prim and proper because of you! Damn youuuuuu!!!

Beckett's dialog right before this shot of Castle? We should go to the track sometime, Castle. See who laps who. Ladies, just in case you didn't realize what just happened, let me summarize. A woman that knows her way around a car? Absolutely freaking hot beyond all belief! Hence Castle's gaped expression.

GirlfriendBeckett makes another showing this episode, appearing after she realizes that Castle was bracing himself to protect her from a hail of bullets. Just look at that smile as Beckett tries to find a way out of the trunk. Who wants to bet that Beckett's thinking about the cemetery right about now and how Castle flung himself in front of her to try and stop the bullet from hitting her. Gallant, indeed.

And here comes JealousBeckett once more, appearing once she realizes that Castle has pressed the panic button on his phone so Sofia can send her men to save them. Like hell Castle's former muse and absolutely nothing else is going to save her! Harrumph!

Wow. I knew there was a reason why I liked this episode. An entirely new Beckett. Say hello to DejectedBeckett, everyone. Unlike Tick Tick Tick where Beckett uses this same speech to tell Castle that she's not on her team, there's no hint of jealousy here. Beckett's at the point that she's just got to accept it that Castle wants to be with Sofia more than he wants to be with her (professionally!). Still, there's something depressing about DejectedBeckett. Because there's no hint of emotion here. I'd rather see JealousBeckett instead of DejectedBeckett. Because at least I know when JealousBeckett hits the scene, it's out of love for her almost boyfriend.

Aww! We all knew that Beckett couldn't stay mad at Castle forever. Just keep repeating that phrase, because I'm sure we'll be saying it all summer long once Castle's secret comes to light. Just keep in mind that if Beckett can forgive Castle for his work affair (professionally!), she'll undoubtedly forgive him for keeping her from her mother's case. Fingers crossed just in case? Who's with me?

At this point, this episode has turned into Snow White, but Beckett's playing the role of all the dwarves. Here we see CuriousBeckett, because Castle just told her he'd answer any question she had about Sofia. At first, Beckett tries to play it cool, but we know better. JealousBeckett just has to know if there was ever anything between Castle and Sofia. But why? Repeat after me, Beckett. Live in the now. Live in the now. Repeat ad infinitum. That should fix you up right quick. Still, it's nice to see Beckett so torn about her emotions for Castle. It means she's trying to work her way out of that wall around her heart because she ultimately wants to be with him. A nice thought, when you think about it.

Alas, that's where the analysis for this episode ends. Because mere moments after this, Beckett and Castle decide to take a romantic dip in the Hudson. Or something like that. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Don't drown out there!

recaps/reviews, episode: 4.15

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