Evidence that Beckett is Looking at Castle in a Whole New Light: Heartbreak Hotel Edition

Nov 10, 2011 18:44

So, I'm one, two...wow. I'm really late with this. Apologies, but I've been rewatching the episode, trying to find something for this week's analysis. And, I have to say, this was the hardest episode so far this season to find evidence. But, I did manage to find a few moments, so let's see if you guys agree or disagree with me. And remember, you can follow me on Twitter at @spikespeigel. And, as for next week, I've been playing with an idea to fill in the hiatus gaps. Stay tuned. But for now, on with the...ah, just click on the link already.

The episode opens with Beckett looking on as Castle and Esposito talk about the etiquette of breaking up with a significant other. And just look at Beckett. She stops the investigation (albeit briefly) to listen to Castle's exchange with Esposito. She's somewhat impressed that Castle realizes that even though it might have been an amicable break-up between Esposito and Lanie, he knows that in Lanie's mind, she thinks that it was Esposito's fault that the relationship ended. What's this? Castle with insight about the opposite sex? Beckett's almost boyfriend is growing up right before her eyes. Should bode well for Castle's chances in the near future.

And boom goes the dynamite. Captain Gates has just issued our team their marching orders for the case, and without even batting an eye, Beckett calls dibs on Castle even though his mind's already in Atlantic City. Just look at their demeanors here. It's second nature for Beckett to have Castle by her side now so she doesn't even consider the fact that he might want to go with our boys to partake of the fine amenities that New Joisey has to offer. Alas, she's about to realize a very important fact.

But first, just look at Beckett after Castle tells her that he wants to go with Ryposito to Atlantic City. You can almost hear her thoughts. "Oh, Castle. Stop kidding around and let's get it on to work." At this point, Beckett sees Castle as her partner (more on that in a bit) that Castle taking off and leaving her alone isn't even an option to her.

Whoops! Gates just pulled the rug out from under Beckett by ordering Castle to join Ryposito in Atlantic City. And just look at Beckett's face. She can't believe this is actually happening to her. She just lost her partner. And worse still, he runs off with a skip in his step and a grin on his face as he leaves his almost girlfriend to fend for herself (or not, because, let's be perfectly clear, Beckett doesn't need a man to live her life, but Castle sure does make her life feel more complete). In any case, Beckett comes to her first realization. Castle may be her partner, but he really isn't her partner in an official capacity. He's just hanging around because he really likes being around Beckett. Just, not right now, because, bachelor party. Right? Right? Oh, who am I kidding. You're an idiot, Castle. 'Nuff said.

And here's the point when Beckett's makes her second realization. Even though Castle and Beckett have grown closer and closer with every episode so far this season, I think Beckett forgot that she isn't officially Castle's girlfriend. She's his almost girlfriend. And that one word makes all the difference in the world. You have to wonder if we missed some event between Cops and Robbers and this one. Because for Beckett to be this surprised that Castle would even fathom spending time with Ryposito in Atlantic City leads me to believe that something had to happen after the dinner in Castle's loft. It might not have been a hug or a kiss, but they had to have talked about the bank and what it meant to their relationship. Because, this is the most surprised I've seen Beckett in like, forever.

For the rest of the episode, Beckett realizes that even though she's capable of doing her job without Castle, it just isn't the same. Sure, Gates is her partner for the case, but you can just see it in Beckett's posture as she tries to convince Gates that Castle is invaluable to her the job. She just isn't having the same amount of fun that she would have had Castle been there with her instead of doing God knows what with Ryposito. The hussy!

OMG! Did Beckett just convince Gates that Castle is actually a member of her team? It sure looks like it. Gotta wonder if Gates will start to warm up to Castle from this point on. My gut says no, because she really seems adamant in seeing what Beckett can do by herself. But I'll take this as a win for Beckett. She convinced the one person that initially barred Castle from the precinct that he's actually valuable to the job. And, in her mind, Beckett must be patting herself on the back. Because she was able to show Gates the person that Beckett sees now every time she looks at Castle. A valuable member of her team. And, more importantly, her partner. Now it's up to Beckett to realize that she wants Castle as a partner in more ways than one. And hopefully, sooner rather than later.

recaps/reviews, episode: 4.08

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