
Oct 24, 2009 13:16

Five games that Arashi ruined
various pairs (sho/nino, aiba/ohno, jun/nino, sho/ohno, ohno/nino)
a.k.a., the reason why you should never let Arashi have the right to creativity (though i really would not complain).

p.s. to all of the people who have done a chapter fic: i applaud you, you're awesome. fml i am so not good at planning urg. :( it will probably never see the light of ficdom.

"Me and Sho-chan played billiards last night," Nino says conversationally in between filming for Shukudai-kun.

"So that's why Leader was wandering around yesterday," Jun replies, looking less than interested in the conversation. Nino ignores him and grins.

"Guess who ended up with stripes."

"No way!" Aiba says, excitedly joining the conversation by launching himself onto Sho's back. "Sho-chan! You let Nino be solids?!"

During the very loud scuffle between Sakuraiba pair ("So? So? How was it, Sho-chan? Good? Did he make you forget your name?" "GET OFF ME, MASAKI.") Nino turns his smug grin to Jun, who remains as skeptical as he always is.

"Solids," he says.

"Look at his ears, Jun-pon, they tell no lies."

Jun snorts, but says nothing to counter. He doesn't mean to encourage this kind of bullshittery with his bandmates, really, but... "Who got the eight-ball?"

This time it's Nino's turn to snort. "Definitely not him."

"YOU CHEAT, NINOMIYA," says Sho, once his body is Masaki-free and back in its proper upright-position. The others seem less-than-surprised at this announcement. "You cheat and your win is unfair so you aren't allowed to boast."

"Sho-chan," Nino begins, voice soaking with mock-patience, as he very subtly slides his hand between Ohno's back and the couch. "I wasn't the one who kept pocketing the cue ball."

Sho sulks. Pitifully small, he mutters, "You cheat so bad" under his breath.

Ohno gives his back a comforting stroke, smiling like he understands. "Nino's good at solids."

Ogura decides not to say anything at all (and to never play pool with Arashi).


"Good job. Go play it by yourself."

"Wait! Listen, listen! Okay, so it's pretty much like regular rock-paper-scissors, because it has the same rules and stuff, but the regular way gets boring after a while, right? Right, well, we aren't using rock, paper, or scissors anymore. I came up with new things!"

"Are we going to regret this?"

"No way! It's super fun! It's called lube-finger-hole and--"


"NO REALLY! See, finger beats hole, hole beats lube, and lube beats finger! AND! And! The gestures you have to do are really easy--"


"Ahhhhh~ Sho-chan is no fun."

"...what if you use more than one finger?"


Jun is in the middle of a very serious conversation with a few of the staff from his new drama when something crashes into him and sends him toppling to the floor in a mess of limbs, tinsel, and (his now slightly torn script) paper.

"Dammit Ninomiya!" Jun roars, trying to get the leech off of him. It doesn't matter that he can't see Nino's face, he still knows it's him. The only other person that would tackle him in the hallway is Aiba, who is busy filming in Antarctica or wherever the hell his zoo show whisked him away to. (And even Aiba hasn't had the will to do it lately. Not after the last incident where Jun's rings dented a very sensitive spot.)

Sure enough, the identity is confirmed when Nino worms them around enough so that he's straddling Jun's waist and his smug little grin is staring Jun right in the face.

"Good morning, Princess," he coos.

And then he presses his body flush against Jun's.

Nino's lips are slick when their mouths first start working together, fiercely, a different kind of conversation that's still going down the line of 'I hate you, please fall down a staircase' and 'You love this, don't lie'.

The minute Jun's wrists are free from all the tinsel (it's fucking September, why are things Christmasy?) and he feels a hint of teeth to go with the tongue, Jun gets a good grip of Nino's hair and pulls him away with a small gasp.

Nino licks his swollen lips. "Tag," he says. "Now you're it."

Tag-backs aren't allowed so Jun scowls and lets Nino scurry away laughing (because, unlike Nino, he doesn't need to cheat to win).

The staff are still standing there and staring at the spot three hours later.

Jun's manager apologizes profusely while Jun offers one "sorry" and then proceeds to plot revenge.

When Sho arrives to guest star in UtaOnii, Ohno is just wrapping up a scene. He's covered from head to toe in a gaggle of children (each varying in size, weight, age, yet all working together to drag Ohno to the floor and slap at him).

"Cut!" The director yells. "Great job, everyone! Ohno-san, that take was perfect. Take a quick break and then we'll resume filming."

Ohno grunts from somewhere underneath all of the children. It takes ten minutes and lot of haggling but Sho finally manages to free their leader and get him backstage, the director being kind enough to offer another five minutes to the break for all the trouble.

"Noisy things," Ohno tsks as he rubs his lower back. "That one in red was seriously pinching me."

"Seems to have a bit of a mouth on him, too."

"He keeps pinching my ass."

"That sounds familiar," Sho says around a laugh. "Be careful who you say that to. Nino might think you're trying to replace him with someone who actually is eleven years old instead of just looking it."

Ohno sniggers at the idea. "Mini-Nino," he says.

"Ah, speaking of Nino." Sho ends his own sentence there and the minute they step into the dressing room and close the door he easily presses Ohno against it, capturing his lips. The man makes a curious noise but doesn't protest, his fingers resting comfortably on Sho's waist while Sho's own slip past the hem of Ohno's shirt.

"Sho-kun," Ohno sighs when the kisses move down to his neck and he tips his head back in invitation. Sho takes his time tasting the new skin, freshly burnt from the fishing trip he knows Ohno went on the other day. He groans when slender fingers slide down the back pockets of his jeans and pull him close, Ohno's nails digging in lightly as they grind.

"That was from Nino," Sho says later, when they're lounging against the wall and steadying themselves. "He wanted me to tell you he expects ramen on Thursday, but I think I might have paraphrased."

"Sho-kun isn't very good at this game," Ohno laughs.

"Ah, telephone, right?" Maruyama asks. "Eito isn't very good at it either."

Sho screams.

("What happened to checking the area first, Sho-chan? I had to sit through an hour-long lecture with you and now you're breaking the rules you set?" Nino complains even though Sho knows it's all an act because everyone knows that Nino loves every second that he gets to mock someone.

"In front of Maruyama, though." Jun frowns. "Really, what got into you?"

Sho whimpers pathetically. "He. But, the cute. And the pants. Satoshi did. And the kids."

Nino cackles.)

Despite being part of the company (and an Arashi fan) for as long as he has, and despite being well-known for taking comfort in sitting on people's laps and cuddling, Chinen can honestly admit that he is not expecting it when Nino appears out of nowhere and climbs into Ohno's lap. Right in the middle of their conversation.

That alone isn't really shocking, but it is a new bit of routine for Chinen when Nino unzips Ohno's jeans and shoves his hand down the front.

Unsurprisingly, Ohno isn't fazed in the least.

"Nino," he says softly in acknowledgment, while Nino fishes around his pants. Chinen watches with wide eyes, strangely mindful of way Nino is pressing small kisses against Ohno's neck and the barely audible noises rumbling at the back of Ohno's throat and the way Ohno's hips seem to be trying not to twitch.

After what seems like forever, Nino pulls away and grins at the small black object now in hand.

A stylus for a DS.

"Oh-chan never changes his hiding spots," Nino declares like he's an expert in the subject (which Chinen does not doubt at all now, not after that).

"Change is confusing," Ohno agrees peacefully, like his jeans aren't undone and his voice isn't deeper and he isn't the least bit hard after that---

Chinen turns bright red when Nino shifts in Ohno's lap and sharp eyes lock onto him. He twitches uncomfortably in his seat.

"Um," Chinen says. "Hello Ninomiya-kun."

"Hey Chi-chan," Nino shifts again, grinning when Ohno gasps softly and tightens his fingers on Nino's waist. "I think your bandmates were looking for you earlier."

Whispering a small thank you, Chinen flees and slams the door behind him.

Nino snickers and turns back around.

When Yuto asks him later if he wants to play a game to cheer him up after being chased from Arashi-senpai's dressing room, Chinen cowers behind the sofa.

The rest of HSJ don't even ask.

pairing: jun/nino, pairing: ohno/aiba, pairing: sho/nino, pairing: ohno/sho, pairing: ohno/nino

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