Title: The Possibility of Possibility
Word Count: ~6100
Rating: K+
Summary: "They still have their dance. Subtext and word games and the chase. They still light each other up with frustration and wanting more. Always more. He wouldn't trade it for anything. But sometimes he wishes she'd just come out with it when it matters. And this matters."
Spoilers: Set during Final Frontier (5 x 06). Spoilers for that.
A/N: A TARDIS-verse experiment set in Season 5, before "Memento Vivere" and after "Circle 'Round the Sun." Not sure how this turned out, so I'd especially appreciate feedback.
The TARDIS-verse is NOT a Dr. Who Crossover, just a series of linked stories that more or less stand alone. They're set in canon timeline between Kill Shot (4 x 09) and, for now, After Hours (5 x 08). See my main LJ page for other story titles and information on show order/posting order.
For Lydian Stone, who just finished the other TARDIS stories today and wanted more. And for AC/NoOrdinaryLines who mocks my authorial pain.