This is for
fex_84 who requested a post "Law and Murder" fic. :)
Author: stardust_20
Date: 29/03/11
Spoilers: Set directly after Law and Murder. (I haven't even seen the episode yet but I've seen the ending already. Ah, Youtube, how I love thee.)
Characters/pairing: Beckett/Castle
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Making no money here. Just enjoying playing with them. :)
Word count: 217
They step out of the theatre, pulling their jackets tightly against the cool night air.
"Thank you for the date, detective. I had a really nice time."
Kate turns to face him. "Oh no, Castle," she half laughs self-consciously. "That wasn't a date."
"Yes it was."
"No it wasn't."
"Yes it was.". He clears his throat. "You invited me out to a movie; well actually you made me come with you - against my will I might add, you drove me here and then you paid. Where I come from that's called a date."
"It was not a date!" she protests, cheeks turning pink, though if asked she'll say it's the cold air that's giving them colour. "It was just two friends ... people who work together ... just us going ... "
He gives her that look. That look, the one that says he's won the argument and she has no choice but to give in.
"Fine, it was a date."
He smiles. "So like I said, thank you. It was a lot of fun. For a first date."
She turns and begins walking to the car. "Don't expect a second."
"Don't worry, I have no expectations whatsoever."
But he smiles as he follows her. It only seems like a small step but he knows they've taken a giant leap tonight.
* * *