Challenge 005: Alexis Castle

Aug 01, 2009 15:20

Don't forget to vote in the Challenge 004 poll!

Challenge 005 will be: Alexis Castle

Create a video with Alexis Castle (his daughter) as the main focus!

{*} Two entries max per user.
{*} Your video must focus on Alexis, but it can obviously include the other characters and her relationships with them.
{*} Please post a link to your video -- do not embed.
{*} Your comment should include the following information: Video Title, Song Title (if different), Song Artist. If you want credit under a different name than your LJ username, please specify. If there is no music to your video, you can obviously omit that part.
{*} If you need clips, you can download them here. (You need an account, but it's free and gives you unlimited access to downloads.)

Submissions due: September 1st
Current Entries: 5

submission post, challenge 005

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