Series title: Therapy (20/?)
Story title: I Don't Ask to be Famous (follows
Acting in Faith)
Genre: Romance, Post-cliffhanger therapy, hurt/comfort
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Warnings: Assume spoilers for everything up to and especially 3x24. Won't make sense unless you've seen that episode. Will violently spoil you for that episode.
Rating: PG-13
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Comments 3
Loved the exchange on the movie Splash. Very them - Beckett, Castle and Martha. I've seen pictures of Katic as a blonde - it doesn't suit and i have a thing against beards - but as disguises go - i can see both working. Now Martha as a blonde and Alexis as a brunette seem a better fit.
Thanks for reading! :)
Py is not brown - but lying down i suspect her silhouette would look very much like your author's first picture - which to me looks a bit like a mountain range.
These days, a six month nap for digestion purposes sounds good. Or at least one that lasts until the early evening of September 19th.
it is my privilege to read your output; no thanks required.
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