Fic: No Idea

May 18, 2009 00:17

Title: No Idea
Characters/Pairings: Beckett, pre-Beckett/Castle
Word Count: 600 (Triple double drabble! woo! lol)
Rating: MA (15+)
A/N: Set directly after the second last scene in 'Flowers for Your Grave', just following Beckett rejecting a dinner offer from Castle.
A/N #2: This show only started airing in Australia tonight, so this is the first ep I've seen, therefore my canon knowledge only stretches as far as the end of the first ep. Anything else I've made up myself.


”You have no idea...”

Kate smirked as she walked away, the scent of his cologne filling her nostrils and erasing the stench of the New York City alleyway. Her hips had a bit more swing to them, steps just a little more confident than earlier. Yes, the man had an ego the size of a football field, and it was also true that he was a womaniser, but still she could not help the confidence boost it had given her knowing Richard Castle - THE Richard Castle - was interested. Turning him down had been sweeter than she could have imagined.

She wanted to look back to see if her rejection had taken a little shine off the smug smirk he always seemed to wear, but she knew the game and looking back would put her on the back foot again. Besides, there was paperwork to be done, procedures to follow, and damn it she would dot every ‘I’ and cross every ‘T’, regardless of his insinuations. If there was fun to be had it happened afterwards; the job always came first.

She stayed late that night, filling out the arrest report, going over times and dates, making sure all the evidence they collected that day lined up. It was well after dark when she finally let herself in to her apartment that evening. At the first sign of light her goldfish was at the top of his bowl, begging to be fed. Keys were placed on the hook, coat hung on the rack and her gun and badge locked away immediately before she dropped a pinch of flakes in to the bowl. She had an order and she liked to stick to it even at home. Her mind played over the case as she ate her left over Chinese. Not the case as such…more Castle’s way of being just a step ahead of her at almost every turn. It excited her to have someone that sharp around just as much as it frustrated her, but she would never let on.

Before she realised it she had finished her dinner, poured herself a glass of red wine and was running a bath. She wondered briefly if Castle was a red wine kind of guy but pushed the thought from her head as quickly as it came. She would not think of him as she undressed, and certainly not while she lay naked in the bath. She closed her eyes as she eased in to the warm water, trying to let the tensions of the week out. The annoying buzz of the fluorescent light above was distracting her from relaxing so she got up and turned it off, lighting a few candles instead. Now she certainly wouldn’t think of him. She took a sip of her wine, then another, and a minute or so later tipped the glass back, her tongue flicking over the cool glass to collect the last drops. She refused to think of Richard Castle at all, and did not wonder if he would be the kind of man to get her another glass, she already knew the answer - if he thought it would give him the upper hand then of course he would. The warmth of the water, the soft glow of the candles and the wine slowly easing it’s way in to her system were to blame for her hand slipping between her thighs, and when she came with a soft moan, it was definitely not Castle’s body she imagined over her.

She was right; he did have no idea. Unfortunately, nor did she.

rating: r, author: akte, character: kate beckett

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