(Fic) Of Mice and Men-Chapter Seven: Hare Trigger

Jan 09, 2013 00:48

Title: Of Mice and Men
Fandoms: Castle, Fables
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Fantasy, Humor, Romance
Details: Slash, genre!crack, AU, crack, unsolicited crossover, fairy tales, talking animals, author insanity, shades of "omfg what did I just write?", unbetad.
Characters/Pairings: Castle-Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan, Kate Beckett. Fables-Bigby Wolf, Frau Totenkinder, Reynard, Rose Red, Bagheera, others. OCs.
Wordcount: 3,334
Summary: In which a city mouse visits the country, which predictably leads to trouble and (in no particular order) revelations, relations and reciprocation; a funeral and a shotgun wedding; and Javier almost gets eaten by a panther.
Note: This was going to be another long-ass chapter, but I decided to split it into parts. Apologies that it's taken this long to get the next one out there. Oh, and it also has mood swings like crazy, and just generally makes no sense (so, kind of like me in that respect).

When had his cousin become such a gossip anyway? )

crossover, author: black_sluggard, rating: pg-13, genre: drama, chapter fic, character: javier esposito, genre: humor, pairing: esposito/ryan, genre: romance, genre: angst, character: kevin ryan

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