Title: The Language of Love
Author: Microgirl
Rating: FRC/G
Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone in regards to Castle; the show and its characters belong to a bunch of people who aren't me. I am merely borrowing the characters for my own amusement. Dance puppets, dance.
Summary: Even on the worst days, there is the possibility of joy. Post "Probable Cause."
Author's Note: My own late contribution to the post "Probable Cause" fics. I mostly wrote this for the ending. Kudos to
smacky30 for prompting me into writing this fic. I want to thank her again for the beta work along with
mingsmommy. They constantly push me to be a better writer and I can't thank them enough for that.
The translations came from some Google searches. I apologize if any of them are wrong.
Thank you, as always, for reading. And reviews are like pumpkin spice lattes: delicious crack.
Between the warmth of her body and the rhythm of the storm, it should have been the perfect recipe for a nap. But Rick’s mind still raced with the events of the past few days.