two short fics

Mar 19, 2012 08:52

Title: Shiny 
Fandom: castle
Characters/Pairings: castle/beckett, ryan, esposito
Spoilers: none
Rating: pg
Genre: humor
Summary: the boys learn some new words
Author Notes: made for a castleland challenge... having to include 10 words that were not English (with translation) & be under 300 words total.

Title: Of dreams and promises
Fandom: castle
Characters/Pairings: castle/beckett
Spoilers: knockout
Rating: pg or less
Genre: angst
Summary: a quite moment
Author Notes: made for a castleland challenge... Theme: Memory & had to be exactly 100 words.

Both are Here @ my LJ

author: txduck, drabble, rating: pg, character: rick castle, pairing: castle/beckett, genre: humor, genre: angst, character: kate beckett

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