Title: An Eastern Exposure - Written for the Journey Story Big Bang (10k) on LJ
hutcherieCharacters/Pairings: Castle/Beckett
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers up through season 2
Summary: Kate and Castle wake up in her old apartment - the apartment that was blown up a year ago. She thinks it’s a dream, he’s betting on inter-dimensional travel, and that isn’t even the weirdest part of their day. Somehow, wealthy New Yorkers are getting mauled to death by a bear, right in the middle of their high rise apartments. It’s going to be a long day…
Disclaimer: Castle, Beckett, and friends are not mine
Author’s Notes: Many many thanks to
hutcherie for the AMAZING artwork!
Art Master Post:
http://hutcherie.livejournal.com/11295.html Story Master Post:
An Eastern Exposure