Title: The Heaven That I Seek
marskelsFandom/Genre: Supernatural, 1940s au
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rating: N/C-17
Word Count: ~40,000
Warnings: Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Explicit Language, Underage Drinking, Minor Violence, Homophobic Language, Minor Character Death, Child Abuse
Summary: It's the year 1940. Dean Winchester, a young graduating senior, is trying his best to enjoy the summer while dealing with troubling family issues. After he sneaks off for a bit of summer romance, Dean returns to little old Kansas and meets an unexpected outsider. Castiel Novak, new to the neighborhood from a small town in Tennessee, sweeps Dean off of his feet only weeks before Dean enters his final year of high school. They are living proof that love exists in all forms. An unexpected death sends the two lovebirds spiraling towards disaster, and their summer love turns into forgotten memories that lead to long nights, huge quarrels, and heartache.
Chapter One] [
Chapter Two] [
Chapter Three] [
Chapter Four] [
Chapter Five] [
Chapter Six] [
Chapter Seven] [
Chapter Eight] [
Chapter Nine] [
Chapter Ten] [
Chapter Eleven] [
Art Masterlist] [
AO3 link]