Bonne année, chère flist <3

Jan 11, 2021 11:25

If you've been around for some time now, you know that I follow the - very convenient, if you ask me - French tradition that generously offers you the whole month of January to wish people a happy new year, meaning you're not late even if you come humbly to your flist on the 11th of January. So a Happy New Year to you, dear flist. I hope the new ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

_profiterole_ January 11 2021, 12:47:04 UTC
Bonne année et surtout bonne santé !


castalie January 13 2021, 10:06:57 UTC
Merci :) Oui, là je crois qu'on peut se focaliser sur ce souhait en particulier...


alinewrites January 11 2021, 19:18:21 UTC

Oui !! Bonne année ! ❤️


castalie January 13 2021, 10:07:19 UTC
Hey, toi !! Bonne année :)


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