Okay. So. I'll try doing my Asylum report now. And try not to digress too much... which is just not possible so what I'm gonna do is specify which day I'm talking about so that you can skip whatever you want :-) I'm sure I'll forget things but still...
Day One - Friday
Friday morning found
moimoietmoi and me on our way to the airport, excited like you wouldn't believe. The travel went like a charm. I just had a little scare when we were on our way to the plane when we passed in front of a plane with fucking propellers and I was like 'omg, you mean planes actually still use those?' And then I started praying it wouldn't be our plane. Because a) human beings aren't meant to be flying in the first place and b) a mouse isn't meant to fly on a plane with a propeller. But it wasn't our plane and we had your regular, average, not so scary looking real reactor/motor engine thingies. Thank you, oh God of flying!
Anyway, we arrived at the Birmingham airport and then proceeded to follow the instructions a girl over at
asylum_con had given us. It was a pretty detailed description of the journey from the airport to the hotel. We did find our way to Coventry easily following aforementioned instructions. Then from the station to the hotel, we sorta took a sort of scenic tour. That is, we found out later it literally took less than ten minutes from the hotel to the station, but we walked around fifteen minutes or so when we arrived. Which isn't that long, anyway. It's just that we must have turned left when we were supposed to turn right, except we were still following the instructions to the letter - 'you'll find a dozen real estate agencies, keep going' etc... Thing is, Coventry? Is made of real state agencies. So we did follow the instructions and did find the way to the hotel, only we took some little liberties with the thing. Also, it amused me to realise that on the instructions? There wasn' a single street name. It actually took me like ten minutes to realise it lol
At one point I was like 'hey, what if we just tried to find the correct address using a map?' Sam thought it was a pretty clever idea, especially as we couldn't seem to find the 'Litten Tree' club by then, so we looked at map and found the street we were supposed to follow and then, lo! We realised The Litten Tree club? Was right in front of us! Yay instructions!
So anyway we arrived at the hotel. Checked in. Scared the lady at reception because she couldn't find our reservations. Turns they used Sam's first name as last name. Ok, why not, man? Know what? As long as you give us our room, you can use Mousey Mouse as an official name if you want to! The hotel was already packed and everywhere you look you could find fangirls going and coming and it was awesome and I was already into it. And we weren't there for more than ten minutes at the time lol We took the lift and a girl was there ans she asked us if we were here for the convention, so we said yes and she asked where we were from so we told her and turns out the girl was Greek and just - it was cute, I thought, to start chatting up with complete strangers just because you're here for the same reason, you know?
We found our room and in less than ten minutes we'd
taken possession of it. It was a very nice room and hey! We even had a bathtub *loves*
Then we went downstairs and
planted ourselves at
the Black Eagle bar. I couldn't use my mobile - next time I'm in England it'll be working perfectly fine. Dude, thanks, that was so useful - but Sam could so she texted
angeliksmall and
jedicathy who'd arrived earlier the morning and they both joined us. We chatted for a couple of hours maybe, squeeing and just being happy fangirls and then Cookie told me she'd seen
admiralandrea and
morgan32 earlier, and she texted them to let them know where we were. I was so relieved because I had someone with a connection to Andi and Morgan! Since my phone wasn't helping me at all, that was a relief :-)
Anyway, registration was supposed to start at 4.00 pm but it was delayed so we chatted some more and then around 5.30 pm or something like that we started queueing - on the first floor, where everything during the weekend happened. No wait, except for JA and Allison Mack's autographs which were on the ground floor.
Something important to know when you go to cons? Is that you'll spend a great deal of your time queuing. Like, a long time. And the queues at a convention? Are impressive as hell. Like, the start of the queue was on the first floor and then if you wanted to find your place, you had to go upstairs til the fourth floor sometimes. Not even kidding. But, I don't know, it's not that horrible cause a) you're queuing for the good cause - registration, photo shoots, pictures for your autographs - b) you're always chatting up with your friends so it's bearable and c) you're surrounded by fangirls - and some fanboys, too, let's not forget them - and it's just awesome, you know? Noisy and busy as hell, there's always a gazillion peoples coming and going, but it's part of the fun.
Anyway! Registration happened - we got our shiny badge, program, schedule and everything - and then it was past 6.00 pm and so Sam, Cookie, Cathy and I headed downstairs to the restaurant. On our way we found
admiralandrea who was waiting for her turn since they were doing the registration by series of numbers - which went something like 'NUMBERS UNDER TWO HUNDRED ARE A GO!' 'IF YOUR NUMBER ISN'T UNDER TWO HUNDRED, THEN YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!' 'TRY TO STAY CLOSE TO THE WALLS SO THAT WE CAN SEE WHO S QUEUING OR NOT', those people? Sure know how to make themselves heard!
We ate and it was pretty yummy - steak, ale & mushroom pie served with chips / beef lasagne with garlic bread and tossed salad / sausage and mash with onion gravy etc etc... Then we went back to our respective rooms - god, it was so quiet in there! You really realised how noisy and crazy it was in the rest of the hotel once you set food in your room.
By 8.30 pm the four of us left the Leofric hotel to go to the Britannia hotel for the SPN showing that started at 9.00 pm. Incidentally, we were asking Reception Lady how to go to the hotel when those two girls - whom we didn't know from Adam - offered us their own map - which they'd made a copy of - so that we could find the way easily. Isn't this the sweetest thing ever?
We did find the hotel easily - it was like a ten minutes walk, tops. We arrived, gave our ticket and found our seats. Cookie and Cathy at the front - lucky girls - and Sam and I at the back - though we still saw really well. Then I realised
morgan32 was actually sitting next to Cookie and Cathy and so I introduced myself to her and I was really happy because of the lj!persons I really wanted to see Andie and Morgan was at the top of the list so that was nice *g*
So we watched the episode and just - try to imagine watching an episode of Supernatural with 70+ other fangirls - well, there was one boy in the room - who pretty much all seem to be slashers too? It's an amazing experience, let me tell you! And it's so incredibly funny to see how everyone is on the same page. I mean, each slashy moment was met with a loud reaction at the exact same moment! Surreal and just all kinds of awesome, really. And there's the shocking parts which make everyone gasp and cry and, man, I had the time of my life! The episode did kill me and by the end Sam and I were holding each other's hands and not believing what was happening and I was bawling my eyes out and, dude!
Unrelated to the episode but having to do with the showing: there was a girl sitting behind me and her phone rang at the beginning of the episode - which she was all embarrassed about - but what made me smile is that her ringtone was Carry on my Wayward Son and it was just awesome because throughout the weekend you'd hear fannish ringtones here and there and usually when you're in your daily life, no-one even notices the 'importance' of your choice of ringtone and here it was all about SPN or other tv shows; like when the Doctor Who opening theme started right beside me at the Black Eagle lounge at one point.
It's just a detail but it makes me smile. Like all the awesome tee-shirts so many people wore during the weekend. It was grand.
But okay back to Friday night. When the episode was over, there was a raffle and hey I could have won the unicorn plushie! The girl with the number 42 won and my ticket was 43. There was a second showing of the episode but, seriously? I couldn't watch it again so soon after the first showing. Cathy, Cookie, Sam and I all went back to the hotel, cursing and worshipping Kripke all the way back. Awesome time ♥ ♥
Day Two - Saturday
That night, I dreamt that I missed Jensen's Q&A session. Not even kidding, it was a real nightmare! And in my dream, I kept telling myself that it really was just a dream and that I had to wake up and when I did wake up, it made me smile because, wow, obsessed much? But dude! Saturday was THE DAY!
Sam and I woke up around 7.00 am and we'd received a text message from Cookie and Cathy telling us they were up and about as well. We headed to the restaurant to join them except we didn't. Find them, I mean. Turns out they were in another room. Anyway, Sam and I ate our English breakfast - scrambled eggs! eggs! sausage! bacon! fried potato thingie! beans, though I wasn't brave enough to eat those, sorry, neither the mushrooms - and cereals and toasts and marmelade and orange juice and tea and coffe and YUMMY! Cathy and Cookie did join us afterwards and we all headed to the first floor where the fun was.
There were two or three different queues over there, two of them pretty much endless and it made me smile because at one point I asked a girl in the queue what they were waiting for and she didn't know lol Turns out they were waiting to buy their pictures and passes for the autographs as well as their passes for the photos shoots. Well, there were also those who were registering since they couldn't do it the day before and it was just packed all around.
Sam and I decided to go the panel room so that we could have good seats. The plan was to see Justin Hartley and Alan Ritchson's Q&A session and then wait for Jensen Ackles'. Good plan, eh?
I let you imagine how excited we were by then! I mean, I swear my heartbeat never stopped running a marathon that day lol I kept coming and going in the room. Sam was sitting there and I'd go out in the hall, chat with Morgan a little, then looking for Andi, then going back to the panel's room and leaving again to chat with Cookie and Cathy.
That's also when I saw
rhianne. Thing is, I'd noticed that girl queuing who really, really looked like her except I wasn't a hundred per cent sure I wasn't taking her for someone else. I kept staring - at one point I worried she would take me for a stalker or something - and then I was distracted and had to go back to the room without having spoken to her. Then on my way back to the hall - I kept moving, I couldn't keep still, really - she passed in front of me and so I thought 'what the hell, I'm gonna call her name, if she turns back, I'll know it's her, if not, well, nothing happens, right?'
So I did, and she did do a little double-take except she didn't recognise me immediately and I was like 'hee, Rhianne! I'm Mouse'! and she was like 'Mouse! You've done something to your hair?' which, yeah okay, I guess I did :-) So we hugged - my first reflex is always to kiss these girls hello and goodbye so I always have to remember that not everyone does it, though hugs are very nice too, of course *g* We talked a little except it was a bit crazy by then and so busy that we didn't have the time to do more. I did introduce her to both Andi and Morgan though - TS and SPN fans for the win, guys! - and I meant for her to sit close to use except the room was packed so we sorta lost each other by then. Morgan and Andi were sitting close to Sam and I, though, so I didn't lose everyone *g*
Oh and during my many going&coming thingies, I saw Alona Tal and Nicki Aycox and it was so weird, too! Meg and Jo! Also, I'm so used to seeing Nicki Aycox with short hair that it was a little odd seeing her with long/longer hair.
And then there was this surreal moment when, back in the room, I saw this guy on the right corner, and my heart might have stopped a little because it was Jensen! He was in the room and just - my mind needed to grasp the concept, you know? But when it did, oh the joy! Paul, one of the hosts, was talking to us and we were listening, I swear, but we were pretty much all watching in the same direction, and definitely not at the centre of the stage lol Then he called Jensen on stage and we went wild and then Jensen did a little introduction thingie which had the crowd go wilder - no surprise here ;-)
Jensen: Sorry Jared couldn't come...
Crowd: *does the loud and sad sigh thing*
Jensen: Jared told me you would say that!
Crowd: *laughs* melts*
He was incredibly gorgeous and pretty with a little beard and a sweater and a shirt and he just looked very different from Dean clothes-wise and this was Jensen Ackles! *dies*
He went off the stage and then we saw Justin Hartley arrive, looking fucking tall, man. Which, btw, Jensen isn't short at all, it surprised some of us because, well, I guess we knew he wasn't small or anything, but we're so used to seeing him close to Jared that we sometimes tend to forget a little. So, anyway, the man isn't a shorty. He's just a shorty compared to the other Sasquatches that CW seems to attract ;-)
And speaking of tall; Justin Hartley arrived and, yeah, the man is huge! And gorgeous. And incredibly funny and incredibly high maintenance! The man talks and talks and talks... Alan Ritchson did manage to answer some questions and talk as well but it was funny seeing Justin run the show. Though after seeing him again on Sunday, it's amusing to think that if I thought he was high maintenance on Saturday, I hadn't seen anything yet.
The Q&A session lasted an hour and before it ended, I left the girls and went to the hall because I really wanted to buy our pictures for the autographs. The queue has considerably diminished by then and I actually found Cathy and Cookie there. I bought my pic as well as Sam's and then went back to the panel room and waiting for Jensen to arrive.
Jensen Ackles Q&A
When he did... well, if you're into SPN and into the actors and/or especially into Jensen, you can try to imagine what it is to see the man in front of you like that - I think we were in the seventh row, or something like that - and you're hearing him talk to you, you know? I mean, you're in the middle of crowded room - hundreds of seats - but still, he's here and just, surreal moment, I tell you!
I'll wait for Sam's pictures and share those with you as soon as the girl has the time to work on them but I'll still share one of mine... it's not the best quality but whatever:
Ladies and gents, Jensen Ackles:
I said it yesterday but some things bear repeating, the man is funny and witty and he tells some kick-ass stories and he's as gorgeous IRL as he is on the telly and I was lapping it up. Completely, totally. It was heaven :-) And his voice! Oh his voice... live! Man, it's something any SPN and/or JA fangirls should experience once in her life *g*
Once I was back in my room in the afternoon I wrote down what I could remember from the Q&A and it got a bit long and it's not verbatim and everything but I still can share some favourite moments:
When asked about Dean's best and worst moments, he said he thought Dean's best moments are when he's working with Dad [cue audience awwing and cheering] He mentioned how playing against JDM is wonderful because it makes you want to be better than usual. Anyway for JA, Dean's best moments are when he's working with both Dad and Sam, as a family. As for the worst, he laughed and said he couldn't choose 'there're so many of them.'
When asked what scenes he preferred shooting, he said that it might be the physical ones - stunts, things like that - because the dramatic ones are exhausting. When he putls everything into a 'heavy' scene, even though his mind knows nothing is real, his body doesn't and it's really taking a toll on him, so at the end of the day, he'll feel even more tired than if he'd actually done some physical scenes.
When asked about the invasion of his privacy when you're an actor, he said that if you really want to keep to yourself, you can still do it. That, not all of, but most of the celebrities you find on the cover of tabloids are there because they asked for it. That there's so many other actors/actresses you never hear about. As for himself, he said that to stay sane he does need to keep some things of himself to himself. That if you give everything to everyone, then you might lose a part of yourself and it's too easy to lose your identity like that.
When asked about the pranks he and Jared pull against each other, he said that as a rule they actually stick together, act as a team. Though he did tell the story of that one when their trailers had been damaged by a storm or something and he had to be on set before Jared and he decided to put paper toilets all over the place as well as spray the couch, which apparently did push to home the idea that they really needed to stick together.
He was also asked about getting the role of Dean and though we know the story, it never fails to amuse me to think that he was supposed to play Sam. Kept saying 'I really like Dean' in that cute and funny way and then talked about how after reading for Sam he asked to read for Dean and after doing it, that's the role he was given. Then told the story of the network testing; how usually there're always other guys doing it and this time it was just Jared and him and he was like 'man, I hope you're good.' They did the reading and the executive guys loved it and they got the roles. Then Jensen said that he'd been 'better than Jared', to which Paul said that it's funny because that's what Jared always said and then Jensen laughed and was like 'but he lies!'
When asked how he feels about going back on stage, ie doing the A Few Good Men play, he said that he was really nervous. It's been more than ten years [twelve, I think?] since he last did one and he hopes it's 'like riding a bike.'
He told the story of how after shooting the pilot of SPN in California he was very happy not to be in Vancouver so he actually called Tom Welling and bragged about shooting the show in California... only to learn later on that they would, in fact, go to Vancouver after all, because it's cheaper.
When asked about an actor he took as a role model, he couldn't really find one, thought about it but ended by 'really, my pops' [which made the audience go 'awwww', as you can imagine lol]
He also talked about how he'd never really thought of being an actor while growing up. That even though his father was one, since he wasn't a Big Name Actor, to him his dad was like any other dad who 'went to work in the morning and came back in the evening.' Except for the few times when he would be recognised in the street. Talked about if he took acting at school it was because he was 'good at making himself look like an idiot' but that was it. Then he was offered a role and he didn't accept right away cause he knew it wasn't an easy job, but the man was persistent, et voilà...
Was asked whether there was a storyline/theme he'd like to see in SPN and said that one of the things with SPN was that he got to do many, many things and that, so far, he was really happy with what they'd done with his character.
Also mentioned how difficult it was to be one of the two lead in a two-lead type of show... mentioned the long-hours and the work and all...
Oh and at one point he talked about how lucky he was that his career went the way he did - like when he was basically given a role on a plate and things like that - and that when things are a bit difficult he just thinks about all those people who're having a hell of a time...
Was asked about his back-singing and he said it was something he enjoyed but that's it. Then mentioned Jason Manns, who was apparently in the room because we heard him yell to Jensen about his doing back-singing at the concert that night and Jensen acted all embarrassed like and was like 'oh you're gonna pay for this.'
Mentioned the stunts; how he does most of them, though he does have a guy who does some for him. It's actually the same guy since Dark Angel. Mentioned that Jared did his own stunts a lot too, which is how he broke his arm in s2. He also said he thought it was better when the actors did the stunts themselves, that it was better when you could really saw it was them for real, and not just, like, a jacket or something...
Was asked about the Impala and said that there were four or five of them: one for when he's driving it, one for the stunt, one for when Sam is just sitting there and things go by around and another one for back-up. He also said that he would love for TPTB to give one to him one day.
Was asked about the third season, he said they didn't know for sure [yeah, right!] but that it was looking good and that they'd know officially next week. Then said that he could see SPN go for many seasons yet. Especially with all the ideas the writers still have...
Was asked about Dean - or his? - favourite phrases and he said that he'd already used some of them [he says 'oh, man, a lot and then someone yelled 'dude, you fugly!' which he didn't understand immediately, what with the noise and the accent, I guess, and then someone "translated" and yeah, 'dude you fugly' seems to be really loved as Deanism goes *g*]
Was asked about the naughtiest thing he's ever done; he was like 'on the show right?' all embarrassed and amused like, and then I think he mentioned the sex scene wit Cassie. He talked about being "very very naked" [though I'm not sure about that answer so...]
Was asked about his favourite SPN episode and picked "Dead in the Water" because it was a 'turning point' for him. In that episode, we got to see more of Dean than the cocky facade and he said that's when he really got Dean. Before he was still trying to find his marks, trying to understand what Kripke wanted but that episode made him really understand and get Dean.
Was asked the Story of the Bees and man, it was an epic moment lol I was laughing my ass off even more than before and that's saying something!
He also talked about Jared and how well they get on, how quickly they hit it off and how well they work together. Said that sometimes they tend to take it for granted since they've been working together for so long and then they'll be playing with a guest star and they'll realise there's something missing... and I just loved the way he talks about both Jared and JDM :-)
And I'm forgetting many many things but in conclusion, suffice to say he was fantastic; funny, sweet, witty and just a lot of fun! He certainly knows how to win his audience! Man, I adore the man ♥ ♥
On my way out of the room, I recognised
mrscutedean and said hi to her.
After that, Sam and I went back to our room to kick back and relax. We were a bit high from the stage talk, I have to say and the breather was just perfect. I started writing down some of the q&a and we just relaxed. Then at 12.30 pm Cookie called us to let us know that Jensen was doing the autographs and that if we wanted ours, it was the time. So we hurried downstairs and queued again, never really leaving our eyes away from the man :-)
I got my autograph, and as usual just went with the usual 'hi, the name is InsertRealName' then a heartfealt 'thank you so much' and even if he just says a couple of words like 'how you doing' and 'thank you' it's huge to me lol Also, the man is gorgeous enough when you're watching him through a screen or from a crowded room but when he's actually at arm-length? OH MAN *swoons* So, yes, another Moment of Pure Dreamness *happy sigh*
I also love how some people actually have the guts to say more to him and, for instance, Cathy and Cookie were all kinds of awesome because they gave him a box with mini champagne bottles - awesome present - and
admiralandrea gave him a little Impala! I thought it was brilliant, especially as he'd just mentioned an hour before how he'd love to have his own :-)
Next to him was Allison Mack who was doing her own autographs and so I asked for one and wow, she's absolutely gorgeous and she has the prettiest smile and she looks so friendly too, you know?
Then we went back to our room and then went outside - Waterstones', Mark & Spencer, the works. We also ate at
Baker's Oven then it was around 3.00 pm and I told Sam I'd like to go back in time to see Allison Mack's Q&A. So we went back, deposited our purchase in our room and joined the madness again.
Allison Mack is love. Man, she totally won me over. Not that I actually had anything against her - I happen to like her character well enough in the show - but since I'm not into SV, well, you know... but man, she was so funny and sweet and easy-going and just so friendly and open and I absolutely adored her stage talk. She also said some pretty funny stories, one of my favourites being how when Chloe is typing on a keyboard what Allison is really typins are her lines, whereas when Clark has to do it, Tom Welling just types his own name. Over and over again. It just cracked us up :-)
She talked about her character, the show, the actors, mentions how much she enjoys travelling and how much she loves people and that's one of the things she's the most interested in when she goes abroad. She apparently adored her stay in China. Also said that Kristin Kreuk is the one person she feels the closest to on the set... though she adores Tom too, especially as they work a lot together. She also said that Rosenbaum is the crackiest of the bunch...
Anyway, that was brilliant and I'm thrilled we got to listen to her :-)
After that, we went back to our room for a spell and then headed to the restaurant for diner, then we invaded Cathy and Cookie's room - we watched some telly, two real!tv thing, one of them had John Barrowman in the jury - and we didn't pay enough attention to the time. I went downstairs for something - I don't remember now - and I heard music coming from the first floor and lo, the concert had begun! So I hurried back to the room to let the girls know.
Remember when Jason Manns embarrassed Jensen about him doing a little singing? Well Jensen did! Sing, that is. And, of course, we arrived too late to see that, argh! Still, he came back on stage once the show was over to praise his buddy and encourage people to buy the CD and that was the sweetest thing ever.
The party started then and it was pretty funny because some people were dressed up so we had many supergirls and batwomen and superheroes, as well as a couple of Jedi and a woman was dressed up as Claire, with the uniform and the blood on her face. Awesome!
We had to stand up during the whole concert but after a while some people started leaving and three seats were suddenly free so Sam, Cathy and I went to the table. I asked the girl closest to the first chair whether the seat was free and she said yes then her friend said 'enfin je suis pas sure' and I was like 'hey, trop fort, vous êtes françaises?' Which they were. French that is. We'd been trying to 'listen' for French all day and here we were, sitting right next to two Frenchgirls. We thought it was already awesome enough and that's when it got even more awesome, and funnier.
Backstory first. Before leaving for the comm, someone at the Asylum comm did a little poll to see where the attendees were coming from. And I found one French girl I didn't know. So I said hi and we exchanged a couple of comments. We thought that if we heard someone speak French, we might find each other. No such luck either Friday or Saturday, right?
Well, guess what? That was the girl! I started having my suspicions so I asked her whether she knew what LJ was and she said that she had one and I asked her name and I just knew she would say
darkfan and she did! I went 'dude, I'm the one you talked to the other day!' It was funny.
We talked for most of the night. At one point Sam left because she was getting tired, and Cathy and I stayed with
darkfan and her friend and we had a blast. Then around midnight, we left the party and even though we'd said goodbye we stayed in the hall for more than half an hour and that's when we had a surprise. For those into SG, Douglas Arthurs/Heru'ur was there!
He was at the Coventry Cult TV and Film fair and he'd apparently decided to say hi. He was pretty eager to be taken on camera and the man apparently has no concept of personal space; he hugged the girls he took a picture with and was like 'grab my ass' and then proceeded to put the women's arms around his waist and their hands on his ass. He did it with the three girls and it just made me laugh. You old dog! Then when he realised we were French, he kissed Dark Fan and her friend and kissed their hands. Ha! Then he went to the party and I wonder what he did, exactly *eg*
Anyway, that was fun :-) And a bit unexpected. Then we said goodbye and went to bed.
Day Three - Sunday
Sunday was a bit quieter. For one, it was the day Sam and I had to leave and, also, we'd done everything we meant to do the day before so it was less hectic. We definitely wanted to see Jensen again, alas his stage talk was at 4.30 on Sunday and we had to be at the airport by then, so no can do.
Still, the morning came, we woke up around 7.00 am, started packing since we were up and everything... went to breakfast, joined Cathy and Cookie. Then we went back to the dealers' room - forgot to mention our little visit to the dealers' room the day before - and bought some stuff. Incidentally, Jensen saw some fans with some specific photo array/manip thing and he asked them where they'd gotten them because he wanted to buy one for his mom. Sweet :-)
Either before going to the dealers' room or going to the panel room, Sam realised she'd forgotten her badge so she went back to our room and Cathy and Cookie and I stayed in the hall to wait for her and that's when I saw Mr Bodyguard - the one that followed Jensen - clear a path in front of the lift and I was like, dude, Jensen has to be here! So we waited and yes he was, with pretty much everyone else. They passed right in front of us. Like I said yesterday, life is made of small pleasures like that :-)
Then later in the day we were waiting in front of the lift and there was Allison Mack with her people. Another cute moment :-)
Anyway, we went to Alona Tal and Nicki Aycox's Q&A for a moment. We didn't stay and went outside instead for a little visit of the town. It was kinda early and by 11.00 am we were back at the hotel. Sam and I had to check-out by then so we did and then went back to the first floor where we met with Morgan again. Cathy and Cookie wanted to have good seats for the Q&A of the day so we went our separate ways... We went downstairs with Morgan, ate a bit and as we were talking about fics and writing and stuff, Morgan let me read one of her latest fics in advance and that was awesome! So very naughty and sexy and hot, and reading smut in public places is really great!
At 2.00 pm Sam and I decided to go and see Justin Hartley's stage talk so we said goodbye to Morgan and went back to the panel room. Man, I laughed my ass off! Justin was on crack, he had to be! He made us laugh our asses off; he kept digressing, kept forgetting what the original question was, then he saw a girl leaving the room and was like 'she's leaving the room. Hey, you. Yes, you the girl with the striped-shirt' but the girl didn't turn and he started being silly about where she was going and then was asked a question by Paul but instead of replying he just said 'no, but she's really not coming back', And when she did come back? He talked to her and just - man, poor girl! lol Then a guy sitting behind us asked a question except Justin didn't understand a word so he actually got off stage and ran down the ail to come face to face with the guy, which, as you can imagine, made the crowd go wild again lol
Alas we had to leave at 2.30 so we left oncrack!Justin and left the hotel and then the city and then the country and here I am now, back in France... head still full on convention-mode and still a bit high even today.
Man that was such an amazing weekend! I have to go back, have to, you hear? It's official, I'm addicted to conventions. It's thrilling and exciting and you see your favourite actors and you meet so many new people and it's like you're living on a different planet for awhile, except it's a world you know by heart and just - it was amazing, really. I can't wait to do that again *beams*
Oh and next time, I'll totally have my own fannish shirt too *nods* Also, I'm totally going to have one made that says 'oh, Dean!'
own Asylum report, with pictures.