If you're wondering, the title of this post comes from an interesting moment we had in Euro class today, when someone asked how Robespierre came into power, and Ms. Perez' answer was this
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Well, as you musical people are doing your read-through, I am going to write up two lists of pros and cons. First pros/cons list: the pros and cons of casting someone like me in a musical
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Hey people! It's finally official - Harvard has actually accepted me - it is no longer a bizarro, beyond-human-control piece of rumor clogging the hallways. It is now truth
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Well, besides an erroneous rumor concerning my precognition of an acceptance into Harvard and the fact that I just spent 30 minutes of quality time getting through the door of my own residence, things are pretty freaking great
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I feel like such a delinquent lj-poster - I haven't had a substantive post in ages. Who am I kidding, this probably won't be substantive either
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