Kraken, sirens, and tentacle kink!

Aug 19, 2009 21:01

The exciting news is that I find myself rather unexpectedly with a book coming out this year. girliejones AKA Aussie small indie press powerhouse Alisa Krasnostein has just announced the next title she will be publishing: the first of the Twelfth Planet Press Doubles, two back to back novelettes (double the cover art, yay) by me and the very lovely British writer Robert Shearman.

(pauses to hyperventilate that I am sharing a byline with the writer of Dalek)

Last year, I was invited to write a piece for a charity anthology of paranormal romance/urban fantasy using strong Australian settings. I immediately started thinking about ways to 'rewrite' Hobart into an urban fantasy setting - a darker, more mythic version of Hobart. I also figured that it being an anthology, they'd have vampires and werewolves coming out of their ears, and instead started playing with all manner of water/sea creatures of legend such as the kraken, sirens, and kelpies.

I ended up writing a piece I was incredibly proud of, featuring a broken, disabled immortal hero, Nancy Napoleon, and transforming the Hobart docks into a world of seedy magic and skanky nightclubs. I love it to bits, and I plan to write Nancy Napoleon novels at some point... in the mean time, the anthology project fell through, and I handed the orphaned project on to Alisa to see if it was something she would be interested in.

Sadly, though Siren Beat skates the lower end of novella length, technically speaking, it was still going to be far too slimline for the TPP novella series - on its own, that is. But Alisa also had Robert Shearman's "Roadkill" up her sleeve, and being the evil genius that she is, she decided to bring the two together and force her layout person (hi Tehani!) to figure out how to publish half a book upside down.

This was, however, scheduled for next year, but a few weeks ago when Rob Hood's novella finally admitted it was a novel and was going to need to move into the 2010 TPP schedule, Alisa asked if we could possibly bring Siren Beat/Roadkill forward so she still had a new title for Conflux. To which the answer of couse was: hell, yes!

Remember me twiddling my thumbs before baby was born? Yes, well Alisa pounced, one thing led to another and I finished the edits the day before my waters broke. Hooray!

So from not having a book due to be released this year I have gone to - having one due out in less than 2 months. Hooray!

(this is btw the project that has had Alisa Twittering about 'tentacle sex' for some time now. In the interests of accuracy I should state now that there is less actual tentacle sex in "Siren Beat" than there was unicorn rape in "Horn" - but tentacle kink there most definitely is, oh yes. Also a very sexy sea-pony. No, really)

siren beat

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