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Comments 34

emmatheslayer August 18 2015, 16:54:47 UTC
very pretty


cassiopeia7 August 18 2015, 23:00:38 UTC
Thanks, Emma!


sillie82 August 18 2015, 16:58:47 UTC
This is wonderful. Sam taking care of Dean is one of my favorite things. :D


cassiopeia7 August 18 2015, 23:04:17 UTC
It's one of my favorite things, too. Dean just needs a bit of coddling, but hardly ever gets it . . . Thanks, bb!


milly_gal August 18 2015, 16:59:52 UTC
Ahhhh! Dean being taken care of by Sammy is my all time fave thing, EVER! And you always do it SUCH justice :D


cassiopeia7 August 18 2015, 23:06:42 UTC
Thanks, lady! It's certainly not one of my best -- that's what I get for sneaking it into the middle of a marathon arting session -- but I'm happy you like it. :D


milly_gal August 19 2015, 09:13:05 UTC
You know one of these days I'll leave a compliment on your work and you'll shock and amaze me by simply taking it and not saying negative stuff about your art *eyes you fondly* ♥


jennytork August 18 2015, 17:04:24 UTC
LOVE this!!!!


cassiopeia7 August 18 2015, 23:07:29 UTC
Thank you! ♥


quickreaver August 18 2015, 17:50:04 UTC
I really like your color choices here! And the way Dean's hand reaches out of the frame. Very cool!


cassiopeia7 August 18 2015, 23:09:54 UTC
LOL, thank you! I may have spent more time fiddling around with gradient colors than I did drawing the piece (which shows, alas), so I'm glad the colors worked out, anyway. ;)


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