Title: Swept Away
(Original Disney prompt:
Lt. Robin Crusoe USN)
cassiopeia7Pairing: J2
Rating: PG-13 for art, R for language.
Summary: After his plane crashes at sea, Navy pilot Lt. Jensen winds up marooned on a South Pacific island where he encounters exiled Prince Jared.
Warnings: Crack, bad language, and a miss-it-if-you-blink inference to drug use.
Media: Pen, marker, paint marker, watercolor pencil and digital magic.
Artist notes: My first
j2_everafter challenge (and the last challenge ever, booo!) was a highly questionable storyline ripped off from Disney, who totally FUBAR'd Defoe’s original "Robinson Crusoe." And we shall not mention that movie's horrible excuse for a "happy" ending, as you don't wanna see your artist start foaming at the mouth. Gratuitous insertion of Tinkerbell because (a) Fae intervention is badly needed in this story, and (b), I wanted to draw Tinkerbell. So there. The final result is not exactly what I had in mind, but the combination of a thrown-out back plus the artist all dopey on muscle relaxants and painkillers . . . does not lend itself to a successful arting process. :(
Cookies and smishes to my beta, the inimitable, irrepressible, irreplaceable and sharp-eyed
maichan . . . a metric boatload of thanks and appreciation to you, bb. Awesome betas make the world go 'round! GUYS! HUG YOUR BETA TODAY!
And last -- but certainly not least -- thanks and kudos and applause and virtual chocolate roses and hugs to the wonderful
j2_everaftermods who ran this challenge like the bosses they are. And when I was very stupid and did myself damage, they most graciously allowed me an extension, because hey, this thing was due two weeks ago. Thank you, magnificent modly wonders!
j2_everafter, you will be missed. Thanks for a truly wonderful ride!
The show. On with it . . .