Welcome to Cassidyfanworks!

Aug 20, 2009 14:42

Hello! This community is for all Cassidy Haley-inspired fanworks. Fic, art, and graphics of all types are all welcome here.

Please put all fic and graphics behind a cut. Warn for anything NSFW. Warn for anything that is potentially triggering. If you are uncertain if something is triggering, ask a mod or consider caution your best option and add the warning. Mods have the right to delete any post that does not use warnings appropriately after a reminder is given if the OP does not respond in a timely manner (within the hour).

Please lock all posts with a rating of R or higher.

The following is absolutely not allowed:

Depictions of minors in sexual situations.

Posting a link to an f-locked entry on a personal journal. The comm is not here to increase your numbers. If you have a creation that you don't want non-fans to see, post it here locked to members only and then post it separately to your own journal if you wish.

Any entries violating these two rules will be deleted.

Please format your post as follows:

Subject line: Fic/Graphic/Art (pick one): Title by Your Name, rating, pairing (if any)

Fic/Graphic/Art: Title
By: Your Name
Word count:
Pairing or major characters:

Then put the item behind a cut.

Use tagging.

Cross-posting is fine. This should be a place to get all the Cassidy fanworks in one place, and we encourage distribution of those works through other comms as appropriate to the guidelines of those comms.

No introduction posts, but please do introduce yourself as you post one of your creations.

Rec posts are welcome!

Finally, this is an open comm. Flaming, esp. member hate will get you banned. Artists and responders are expected to know the difference between concrit and hate. Obviously, homophobia will get you banned. Rules are subject to be expanded upon as the comm develops.

If you read all this, comment with 'Dinosaur'.

To kick this comm off, I would love it if you guys went ahead and posted whatever works you have already created. Let's start making this place a home. :)

If you are coming here from ai_kinkmeme and you want to post your meme responses anonymously, PM me the link and I will post them for you.


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