note to self: weeeeeeell done. -_____-
so, I finished reading "You Suck" by Christopher Moore today, which I didnt like at all. I waited so long for the book and its so disappointing, the writing style is pretty odd in some parts and the end sucks imo.
but anyway, now that I finished that book it meant that I can start Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer.
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Comments 14
Btw, I saw you signed up for the bigbang thing! that's so great? what pairing will you be writing? (hahaha, I'm endlessly curious about everything bigbang... it's the best thing EVER :D)
where did you see that I signed up for BigBang? Its gonna be Frank/Gerard and some side-couples.
and I totally agree BBB is totally awesome. I just hope that I manage to write 20 000+ words.
Hope you can get the book changed or something!
I dunno why people think she is so great. I've read a half book and then dropped it cos it annoyed me.
what other vampire-books do you read? gimme some tips. :P
at least we agree when it comes to Frerard. :P
I read so much fanfiction too. but it helped me very much with my english. hehe.
and I order most of the book in english now, cos for some unknown reason they tend to be cheaper than german ones.
If it is and amazon won't give you your money back I might be interested. I read books both in english and spanish. Who did the translation? and how much did you pay for it?
and Ill look who did the translation, okay? I might be able to give it back but if youre interested I also could give it to you. where do you live?
I love to read books in english, but my spanish is far to weak.
wär nicht ganz so lustig, wenns eine andere Sprache wäre aber grad spanisch! *lol*
vielleicht war das ja dein Unterbewusstsein, dass dir sagen will. Lern wieder spanisch! :D
sorry, aber das ist einfach zu köstlich!
hast dir aber eh sicher gedacht, dass so ein scheiß von mir kommt, stimmts?! ;D
du bist so lieb zu mir.
ist ja toll, dass es dich so amusiert.
und vielleicht wars ja mein Unterbewusstsein, aber das ganze Buch ist wohl ein schlechter Start im wieder anzufangen.
Ich hoffe aber natürlich, dass sie es dir umtauschen! Ist ja schon blöd ein Buch zu haben, dass man nicht wirklich lesen kann, weil man es nicht versteht!
Ich wette, in Zukunft schaust genauer, wennst eine Bestellung bekommst, oder?! :D
ich hab damals mehrere Bücher bekommen, deswegen is es mir nicht aufgefallen.
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