To Love and Love Some More in L.A. (Chapter 1)

Aug 05, 2014 06:58

Title: To Love and Love Some More in L.A.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Castle/Beckett, Caskett
Disclaimer: I do not own Castle
Summary: This picks up from the hotel room scene in the episode 'To Love And Die In L.A.' Notice the rating? You have been warned. :)
"I was so in awe of him Castle, when I first met him. I just hung on his every word. and then later I realized he was just making up stories to mess with me." She explained with the sweetest smile.

Castle smiled too, and she chuckled at the memory.

"Can't believe that I'm never going to see him again." That sadness took over her again.

Castle leaned back against the couch then, and angled himself towards her.

"You know what I thought when I first met you?" he said to her.

"hmmm" she replied, looking up to hear what he has to say.

Castle took his time with this "That you're a mystery I was never going to solve"

She waited for him to go on. He still had more to say.

"Even now, after spending all this time with you, I... I'm still amazed at the depths of your strength, your heart"

Kate smiled, her gaze shifted down, she couldn't seem to look him in the eye while he spoke to her this way. Why?

"And your hotness." he finished with a mischievous yet subtle smile.

And that got her to look at him from under those beautiful eye lashes. She smiled and acknowledged him with a nod.

"You're not so bad yourself Castle" and for all of 5 seconds after that, they held each other's gaze, looking beyond just the others beautiful eyes, deep into their souls, where the truth about their feelings for each other resided.

But she couldn't take it. She was the first to break. "I should go, it's late, goodnight." she said.

She stood up and walked towards the door to her bedroom, and Castle felt determined to do something, anything right now, to save this moment.

"Kate" he called out. She had opened her door and stepped in to, and with a nervous look she said "Good night Castle" and shut the door behind her softly.

He stared at her door. Waiting. Hoping. Just maybe she'll see this moment for what it really was. It was their chance to finally let their guard down, to break all these stupid walls between them. They were away from home, away from work, at a brilliant place in their partnership to at least take a tiny step forward in whatever their relationship was.

Even as a part of him lost hope and made him rise to his feet, his heart still directed his gaze to her door… Just maybe, maybe she'll see him for what he is right now, after he had admitted all that to her, laid his heart out on the table with just some of the things he loves about her personality.

But no. the door didn't open. He walked to his bedroom and closed the doors behind him.

He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed, making his way to the wash basin. He splashed some water on his face and wiped it off with a soft towel. He looked at himself in the mirror.

Here he was in the same hotel room with the woman of his dreams, and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to stop himself from thinking about it. From wondering what it would have been like had she not fled to the confines of her room when his words implied he wanted a shift to take place in their partnership.

He changed into his shorts and pulled the covers to get under them. And within seconds he was out.

But out of the real world and into a world where his dreams captured every part of him.

He stirred awake somewhere in the middle of the night when he felt his comforter lift a little off of him. He opened his eyes a bit, even though it was dark in his room, he still had to adjust his eyes to notice anything.

And that's when he felt it- The presence of someone near him. He squinted and rubbed his eyes a little more, and he saw that perfect outline of her body. And before he could say anything, she had thrown the cover off of him and was straddling him, her beautiful long legs holding his hips between her.

He could see a little more clearly now, but the room was still dark.
But what he didn't need light to know was that the woman, who had so gracefully made her way to his room and onto his bed and him, was completely naked.

He could feel the warmth of her thighs radiating through his shorts, burning his skin through and through!

"Kate!" he gasped as his breath hitched on feeling her. He could see it now, the way her long hair beautifully fell over her shoulders, he could faintly make out those two beautiful breasts of hers and he wished so hard for some light right now..

His hands were on her thighs, and when he moved them higher up and onto her torso, he heard her gasp!

"Kate... You're naked..."

And all she did was hum.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed, when she slowly ground her core against his quickly hardening member, and he could feel her moistness and heat even through the layer of clothing.
"Fuck Kate! Were you dreaming of me?" were you naked in your bed, dreaming of me?"

She didn't say a word. She just rotated her hips on him, grinding down harder against him.

Castle couldn't believe how hot this was! She was here, of her own accord. She had come to find him here in his room.

Kate's hand found his wandering on her hips, slowly guiding her mischievous hips and she led his hand up to her breast.

"Oh Kate!" he moaned when her hard, erect nipple pressed against his palm.
She moaned when he squeezed. And her hand over his told him she wanted him to keep doing that!

He pinched, tweaked and pinched her nipples some more, eliciting the most erotic sounds he'd ever heard from a woman! It shouldn't be legal for any woman to let such lustful, sinful noises to leave her lips, raw. And as if she were thinking the same as him, she leaned down over him to drown her beautiful noise into a kiss.

Her open mouth found his and he welcomed her tongue willingly. His hand wandered. The one on her breast staying put, the other, finding space between their bodies to find her core.

And when his finger reached her folds, they drowned themselves in a hot ocean of liquid sex. His fingers wanted to make love to her folds.. And so he dipped them between her lips there and her lips above disconnected from his mouth to let out a loud, guttural moan.

He took the chance and began kissing passionately down the column of her throat until he found a spot between her neck and shoulder that seemed to make her gasp. His own arousal had gotten painful and engorged in a matter of seconds.

But it could wait. Everything could wait. Cause right now, Kate Beckett was reveling in the throes of passion. His fingers worked her like she was a new book he was writing after ages because of an inspiring incident.

He knew every touch that would take her high and every touch that would hold her there, just like he knew how to narrate a story.

Kate was whimpering at his ear, her hand playing in his hair, the other fisting his pillow!
"Make me come!" she said.

And he did. With a dip of his finger, he managed to let his thumb violently rub her clit. Leaving her writhing and climbing high onto her orgasm... she moaned loud and clear for him to hear, making it all too evident how much she was enjoying this. She rode his hand like a pro and came all over it. Leaving her juices to coat that talented hand and show him just how much she needed him to do that for her.

She kissed him, and kissed him hard, and somewhere between the kiss, he heard her say "Your turn" and her kiss got sexier. Her tongue dueling with his, playing some sort of sexy game that he found it so hard to concentrate on anything else.

He had no clue what his hand was doing on her breast anymore and also what his other hand was doing on her butt cheek. But whatever it was, she was enjoying it. It showed in the way she was kissing him.

She was so good at this, that he didn't even realize when his pants had been taken off, at least not until he felt her warm grip around him, her soft palm and fingers working him up like he wasn't already hard enough.

"Kate! Fuck that's good!"

"You like it?" she asked at his ear in that sultry, lustful bedroom voice

"oh yea..." he moaned.

He couldn't see her clearly, but he definitely could make out when she sat back up in her straddling position and lined him up against her core.

Nope. He wasn't going to let her control this one. So in a motion so quick, he pulled her down to him and turned them over, his hips being cradled between her thighs.

"Now this seems right" one moment he heard her chuckle and the next was this beautiful, beautiful cry of ecstasy. He had entered her with no warning.

And there she was, her tightness adjusting to his amazing length and sturdiness... He seemed to be too shocked to move. His eyes transfixed on the beautiful woman lying below him. He was breathing hard.
He leaned down to pant our at her ear, his lips grazing the shell of her ear "I'm going to fuck you hard Kate, you ready?"

"Move" she moaned, and her legs lifted higher around his hips to urge him on, hooking around him. And so he did as he was told.

Richard Castle began to move his manhood in and out of her, kissing wildly down her neck at the same time, her hands flew from his chest, to his back, to his shoulder blades, fingers scratching at his skin, her body excited and turned on to feel him be one with her.

Her body sang with delicious satisfaction as every cell concentrated on his length moving within her. Her hands now and then grazed over his man pecks, then down over his abs, he was pushing hard, and meeting her thrust for thrust.

Her toes curled at the things he was making her feel, her lips parted beautifully to create only music to his ears. Their skin slapped against each other, adding to the beautiful noise reverberating in his room. Not being able to see, allowed them to only feel, and to focus greatly on letting the other feel. Touch was the key to this beautiful moment, and Richard Castle saw to it, that every touch left her wanting more.

Kate Beckett rotated her hips, at least how much she was able to while under him, and the movement stirred him on to go faster within her. her fingers clawed at his shoulders, stroking his biceps, kneading his skin. Her feet grew restless with that sweet buildup between her legs, at the apex of her moisture stained thighs.

The dirty talk that he was leaving at her ear only seemed to heighten her pleasure, taking her up higher and higher.

"I've always dreamed of this night Kate, of having you writhing in pleasure under me" he said

"Oh Rick... Fuck... So good..."

And with every word he left at her ear then on, she began to spasm around him.

"I'm coming Castle"

"Come for me! Now!" and with that she broke apart around him, coming hard, fast, loud and wet around him, drawing his own release out and into her.

He emptied himself within her and she reveled in the feel of him. His spent body collapsed onto hers and he lay there catching his breath while she did the same.

He turned to get off of her, and pull her close to him, and she snuggled into his side willingly. He was till trying to catch his breath, when his hand reached out over her and was struggling to find something

"What are you doing?"

"I need to see you" he was searching for the switch to put his bedside lamp on. Kate caught his hand and put it on her breast again

"We don't need light" and with that she caught his lips between hers again, distracting him fully with a kiss so intimate, he no longer remembered what he was reaching for.

His hand fondled and played with her while the kiss only grew more interesting and softer, both of them coming down from their post coital haze, he found himself drifting off.

and the last thing he remembered was her hand rubbing soft circles on hic chest, and her lips brushing and sucking lightly at his.

When he awoke the next morning, his body felt great. He rubbed at his eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room, the soft LA sunlight was filling up the room. He turned to look at the woman who had made last night so special, but he had to do a double take when he found her side empty. He sat up startled. Where had she gone? He looked at the clock beside his bed, it was 7 am, why was she up so early.

'If she was here last night at all that is', a voice in his head taunted him.

"oh no!" he wiped his face in anxiety. He didn't want to visit the idea of last night being a dream. No, it couldn't be. He was still naked. Completely naked.

'Even a dream can do that to you Rick' that voice taunted him. And he couldn't help but recall that first night he had dreamed of her, the night after that faithful day she had first interrogated him. He had dreamed her up that night, doing the wildest things to him.

But that time he didn't know her as well as he did now. That's what made last night so special. It couldn't have been a dream. It was all so real!

'It can't be a dream!' He assured himself.

He heard a sound from outside his room. He got out of bed, put on his shorts and that soft white robe that came with the hotel room and walked out to find Kate Beckett standing behind the kitchen counter pouring out two mugs of coffee.

"Oh good, you're up" she said with a smile. He walked towards the counter, all the while, his eyes gazed upon the beauty that was the woman before him. Looking at her now, after last night, made him think about everything they had done (or everything he had dreamed of, he thought.)

He sat down on a stool opposite her, and his eyes stayed glued on her.

"What?" she asked with a smile so bright, it made his insides warm.

"Did you... What time did you wake up?"

"Half an hour ago. Oh and Espo called, he's got some stuff for us to look into here at LA" she said, not willing to meet his eyes. But that could be cause she was being careful not to spill the coffee she was sliding towards him across the counter.

"Did you sleep well?" Castle was trying his best to read her. He wasn't sure if she was avoiding the topic, or whether it never happened at all.

Kate looked at him through squinted eyes "yea, why?"

"Uhh... No reason… So... last night was a good night?" he was fishing, desperate to know... Something… anything!

"Castle, I had the best sleep of my life last night, and I think it was the linens, but whatever it was, I was asleep from the moment I laid down till the moment my eyes opened this morning. But why are you asking me all of this?"

"Wait... whose bed? Linens of whose bed?"


"I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused."

"Okay... uhhh... Firstly, how would I know what the linens on your bed are like, and secondly, you probably had just as good a sleep as I did, because well we're living in the same hotel room, and they probably use the same linens for both beds. But why are we having this conversation anyway?" she looked at him questioningly, with a raised eyebrow. "Did you not have a good sleep?"

Castle looked down at his mug of coffee and smiled. More like chuckled. It was all a dream. Kate Beckett, last night, on him, under him, all around him... All of that was a dream.

"No, no..." he looked up at her then and said "I had a beautiful sleep, but I can't give credit to the linens."

She was about to question him further, but he pushed his mug towards her and said "I think I need stronger coffee…"

She took his mug, gave him a look that said "You're acting weird today." and turned to go make his coffee stronger.

And as she turned her back towards him, the naughtiest smile crept upon her lips and her cheeks blushed severely. She wanted to kiss that look of confusion off of his face… but this was so much fun.

She smiled widely, thinking of all the things they'd done last night, her heart beat quickened as she replayed in her mind the feel of him inside her, the way he moved her, the way he touched her and kissed her, and in a word 'worshipped' her.

Her approach to him was spontaneous and sneaky last night, and even then, she knew she could play around with him this way in the morning.

And here she was, expertly hiding this blush, but surely, he could see the glow on her face, and the shine in his eyes. She hoped it confused him even more. And she prayed that the mark of his teeth on her neck would stay hidden until it healed completely.

After coffee, Rick Castle walked back to his room, showered and dressed for a new day working on their case. But just before leaving the room, something caught his eye. Something so negligible he would have missed it. But there, under his bed, just near the edge lay a hair tie. And he knew all too well who it belonged to. He picked it up and put it into his pocket. And as he walked out to find Kate Beckett waiting for him, there was a spark of mischief in his eyes.

Two could play at this game. ;)

Chapter 2:

caskett, castle 3x22, beckett, smut, nc-17, to love and die in la, castle

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