Luke's Stuff [Luke/Reid.../Casey?]

Jul 07, 2010 01:31

Title: Luke's Stuff
Pairing: Luke/Reid (With some imaginary Luke/Casey)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Masturbation
Words: 1800
Summary: Casey's just checking to make sure that none of the DVD's Luke's taking are his. He never expected that.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the boys. All characters belong to respective copyrights.
Notes: I don't even have notes this time. For real. This needs no notes. OH! Except that it was totally written for comeoctober

Casey sighed heavily as he dug through boxes of Luke's stuff, making sure he wasn't planning to make off with any of his stuff. Luke had been getting serious with Reid, and now... now things were finally getting really serious. Luke had been living with Casey for the last six months, a plan that was supposed to be temporary, but worked well enough to keep going. It was easy, mostly; living together, cooking for each other, swapping laundry duties, but eventually, Luke started spending more and more time away. He'd spend nights with Reid, sneaking back in, early in the morning. Eventually, the nights would turn into a night and a day, morphing into three nights in a row, shifting into a full week, until finally... Casey realized that Luke hadn't been home in a month.

They were still friends, nothing had changed there. They still hung out a lot, saw each other more than was probably even healthy. There was no spite or hate involved in the situation, it was just life. And in this case, life decided that Luke would move in with Reid, just pack his boxes and make the transition.

He smirked as he pulled random shit out of the boxes, things that most people should have no possible desire to own. He was about to give up, satisfied that the boxes marked 'Luke's Stuff' really were filled only with Luke's stuff, when he found a stack of DVD's near the bottom. They were all burnables, all unmarked, in the same kind of colored jewel cases that Casey used when he'd burn his pirated films. Paid for or not, no way was he gonna let Luke steal any of his movies.

He sat in front of the TV, back leaning against the bottom of the couch, as he waiting for the DVD player to load the first one. And fuck you, Luke Snyder, there's no way you're making off with Dawn of The Dead! Casey shook his head as he took his disk back out of the player, snapping it away in the case, replacing it with another, setting it gently in the DVD tray before pushing it in. He leaned back against the couch again, remote control in hand, as the DVD player whirred and buzzed, before finally letting the screen flash to life. It was a jumble of nothing, just a lot of blurs and textures, with a familiar voice talking in the background.

"This is probably a really bad idea," it said, and Casey strained to listen harder, feeling almost awkwardly connected to the tone.

"None of my ideas have ever been bad, Luke."

Luke? Luke! Casey grinned, realizing he was listening to his best friend, and his egotistical doctor of a boyfriend. He never would have pinned them for a home movies kind of couple.

"But I have bad feelings about this," Luke countered playfully, as the camera finally came into focus. They were both in bed, but looking innocent enough. It wasn't like Casey hadn't caught their little cuddle moments before, despite the fact that Reid would always deny them, if you called them that. He watched as Reid tried to defend his idea, sounding uncharacteristically comfortable, as Luke kissed his forehead, and yeah... okay. That's enough.

Casey raised his arm, pointing the remote to the player as Reid kissed Luke back. It was soft and sweet, and kind of like watching a trainwreck. It wasn't like Casey wanted to sit and scam on his best friend's secret stash of make-out movies, but it was intimate and personal in a way that Casey had never seen either of them. And it was kind of captivating, to be honest.

He kept his arm pointed at the screen, finger over the stop button, as if it made the fact that he was still watching seem any less pervy. I was just about to turn it off, I swear.

He watched as Luke rolled on top of Reid, moaning as he pressed their bodies together, and Casey's blood chilled for a moment, as he realized that this wasn't a normal home movie. He froze for a moment, finger twitching over the button, as Reid ran his hands down Luke's back, over his ass, covered by a bed sheet.

"Okay!" Casey cried out, eyes going wide. "That is enough... of that..." He insisted, words going soft and trailing off, as Reid's hands pushed the sheet away from Luke's body, exposing a very naked, very perfect ass to the camera. Casey's arm dropped just slightly, laser pointed more at the carpet now than the player. He shifted uncomfortably on the floor, swallowing hard as Luke started grinding himself down onto Reid.

"Fuck..." Casey stared blankly at the screen, having absolutely no clue what to do. It was really wrong, like... really wrong to be watching this. But, what was even more wrong, was the fact that he could feel his dick getting hard, pressing almost painfully against the zipper of his jeans.

"Still think this is a bad idea, baby?" Reid's voice was low and rough, and why was that hot? Casey wasn't gay, and seriously didn't have a thing for Reid, at all. He couldn't remember making the conscious decision to do it, but his hand had found it's way to his zipper anyway, pulling it down clumsily, before popping open the button. He took a deep breath as he realized what he was about to do, which was, in it's short form; jerking off, and inevitably coming, while watching Luke's ass bob up and down as he rubbed his cock on Reid Oliver's hip.

"Feels too good to be bad," Luke replied, voice sounding tinny as it came through the speakers on the television, loud and clear, and Casey blushed, almost feeling like he'd been caught. He slid one hand down the front of his pants, rubbing over his boxers for a moment, before finally taking the plunge from yeah, okay, this could be passed off as some kind of misunderstanding, to yeah, okay, I'm getting myself off while watching my best friend do the same.

He held his breath for a moment, stroking his hand over his cock teasingly, spreading his almost alarming amount of pre-come over the head, finally letting his breath out as he whimpered, watching Reid's hands grab at Luke's ass, leaving alternating red and white marks on his flesh, as he spread him open. Casey closed his eyes for a split second, trying to convince himself that he didn't want to be looking at Luke's ass while he jerked off, but, need won out over modesty, and he didn't fight it.

He let himself watch as Reid spread Luke open, exposing his hole to the camera. It was tight and pink and fuck... Casey's grip tightened on it's own, feeling warm and no, no, no,, nothing like Casey wasn't imagining Luke's ass to feel like.

Reid moved quickly, pushing Luke off of him, switching positions. Luke was blushing deeply, flush spilling down his chest, and Casey realized that his own face looked the same. Reid wasn't playing around anymore, wasn't wasting time, and neither was Casey. His hand picked up pace, finally pulling his cock out of his boxers, stroking hard and desperate, as he watched Reid position Luke on his hands and knees, facing the goddamn camera, which wasn't good at all.

"Tell me you want it, Luke," Reid commanded, fumbling through something offscreen for a moment. Luke whimpered without replying, pushing his hips back to bump against Reid's. Casey let out a moan (which he'd deny), as Reid's new find came back onto screen, a bottle of lube, which took less than a second to be snapped open. He watched, blushing hard, as Reid's motions made it obvious that he was getting Luke wet, getting him ready to fuck.

Casey had a moment of insecurity, suddenly conflicted again about what he was doing, but his focus was snapped back to full attention, as Luke moaned, loud and primal, as Reid pushed into him in one long, slow stroke.

"I do want it," Luke finally replied, thrusting his hips back, taking Reid in deeper. Casey's breath hitched as he stroked his hand over his cock, thrusting up into his fist, unconsciously replacing Reid with himself on the screen. Luke was moaning like a porn star by now, taking Reid's hard thrusts with ease, body trembling over the bed as he mumbled incoherently, obscenities falling from his lips.

Casey bucked up into his hand, feeling his stomach muscles tense. He twisted his wrist on the upstroke, pressing his thumb over the head of his cock, getting wet, getting slippery as Luke moaned Reid's name. Casey let his head fall back, resting on the couch cushions. He looked down his nose, focusing on the way Reid's hips fucked into Luke's ass, slapping hard as he bottomed out, and Casey felt himself falling toward the edge.

He tightened his grip, stroking hard and fast, closing his eyes as he focused on the sounds. Luke's voice begging for more, Reid's breath coming out ragged and desperate, the quick, steady slap of skin on skin, as Reid fucked Luke hard, and that was all it took.

Casey cried out, biting his lower lip to silence it as he came into his fist, hot, sticky mess shooting over his wrist, dripping between his fingers. His legs tensed up, following suit of his chest, as he tried and failed to bite back Luke's name. He kept his hand around his cock as he tried desperately to catch his breath, and steady his heartbeat, which had both flown off the charts easier than he'd like to admit.

He sat slumped against the couch for a long moment, feeling sated and confused, grimacing as Luke's moans didn't stop, sounding more like an accusation now, than the turn on it had been before. He swallowed hard, trying to convince himself it was okay. It wasn't like Luke could ever know. And that was what he told himself, ten minutes later, as he dropped the disk back into the box, sealing it up, before pushing it to the door.

He stood in front of it for a moment, reading and re-reading the label, wondering why now... it kind of felt less like "Good riddance, Snyder, it's about time you got out of my face!" and more like "You'll come visit, right? You know that I still want you to..."

He shrugged to himself as he turned away from the box, deciding that none of it really mattered anyway. Maybe later, he could watch Dawn of The Dead.


fandom: atwt, pairing: (atwt) reid/luke, rating: nc17

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