Reading hoard.

Jan 04, 2005 22:45

I spent my Christmas book tokens today. And then some ( Read more... )

books, daily life

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Comments 8

Waterstone's Orgy threeoranges January 5 2005, 00:08:04 UTC
I too got rid of my book tokens with unseemly haste - my choices were Humphrey Carpenter's biography of Spike Milligan, Francis Wheen's HOW MUMBO-JUMBO TOOK OVER THE WORLD and Carlos Ruiz Zafon's THE SHADOW OF THE WIND (already read from the library, not a perfect book by any means but still liked it so much I wanted my own copy). What did you choose?


Oops, erroneous apostrophe threeoranges January 5 2005, 00:22:40 UTC
It was a typo, please don't excommunicate me ;-)


Re: Oops, erroneous apostrophe casfic January 5 2005, 19:34:41 UTC

OK I won't. :D

(see further down for list of books)


loupnoir January 5 2005, 01:05:00 UTC
Whadja get?


casfic January 5 2005, 19:46:15 UTC
Lemme see...

The latest Terry Pratchett (Monstrous Regiment)
A double volume of The Thirty Nine Steps and The Power-House (John Buchan)
The Clerkenwell Tales by Peter Ackroyd, which looks quite interesting and medievally.
The Surgeon's Mate and The Ionian Mission by Patrick O'Brien (I'm struggling to limit myself with these - I want to savour them)
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
and finally I was looking for a new historical detective but couldn't resist a book with the title Aberystwyth mon Amour by Malcolm Pryce. According to the blurb it transposes Chandler's noir LA to modern day Aberystwyth (a minor Welsh seaside town).

I currently have a further eight books in the 'to read' pile plus the 50 odd in the library hoard. BTW are you going to come to the music festival at the end of the month? If not I'll just post the ones I got for you.


loupnoir January 5 2005, 20:41:46 UTC
The dollar sucks rocks. Plus, we found out that several of the venues allow smoking, and that sort of finished it for me. We do have a lot of old pounds (including some Scottish ones), and that would probably cover a fair amount of our spending, but we also just got informed of a dear friend's fiftieth birthday. The dollar's pathetic state, the smoking and the birthday pretty much swayed the decision over to "maybe next year." The online version of "The Scotsman" leads me to believe that '06 will be the year that smoking is banned in public places (right?), so maybe then.

Let me know how much the post runs and I'll ship you pounds in exchange.

Thanks again. We really did want to get to meet you. I've been teasing my husband that he wasn't allowed to fall in love with you as you are obviously intelligent, funny, completely charming and talented (and will have that lovely accent he's so enamored of). ;)


Niiiice! threeoranges January 6 2005, 23:27:16 UTC
AN INSTANCE OF THE FINGERPOST is one of the few novels my Beloved has actually read and enjoyed. (He's not the bookish type, sad to say.) I asked him to buy it for me when it first came out and bring it along when he visited by train - by the time he arrived he'd read the first few chapters and was hooked :-) You probably know that the book has a RASHOMON-esque structure, the same event narrated by four different people - well, the first narrative is the most interesting, but stick to it as things are wrapped up very nicely indeed.


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