Inferior (C/O ficlet)

Mar 09, 2006 12:34

Title: Inferior
Author: MysticAmethyst
Spoliers: Teeny tiny amounts for Ghost
Paring: Casey/Olivia
Disclamer: I'll have to check with my other multiple personalities and get back to you, but I don't think we own SVU or Casey or Olivia.
Rating: PG-13 at the highest, I would rate it PG
Feedback: Yes Please.

A very short ficlet about Casey. Contains very slight C/O. Really though, this is just me trying to get into Casey's head a tiny bit. However, we can blame it on my friend, who saw a picture of a blonde Casey for the first time today (yes, she's been living under a rock) and said

"Oh my g-d, she looks awful there! What, one Alex wasn't enough?"

That made a few lines of this fic pop into my head...and so it started. It's pretty cr*p actually, so be warned. (Sorry for any cross-posting)


Her whole life, Casey always felt inferior somehow. It started when she was growing up, with grades that were never quite good enough, no matter if her GPA was one of the highest. When an A was good but the look of disappointment in her parents’ eyes just begged the question

“Why didn’t you get an A+?”

It continued in college, when she struggled to make friends, even if everything seemed to click into place for everybody else. Or at least, it certainly seemed that way to her as she watched everyone walk by in their own little groups. Still, Casey stuck it out and eventually the situation was, at the very least, tolerable.

When she became a lawyer, Casey thought she had finally found the one thing she was really good at. It was easy, hardly a challenge really, when there were clear signs of deceit and discrepancy and ninety nine per cent of the time the perp she prosecuted ended up behind bars.

Then, she was transferred to SVU and the cycle started all over again. When there was often no clear way to prove guilt; when the line between right and wrong blurred. Convincing a jury of what she wanted them to believe was so much harder than it had been before.

Even now, looking back, Casey cringes as she remembers the looks she received from the detectives she worked with whenever she lost a case. The looks of disappointment which were so familiar. Looks which asked

“Why didn’t you win? She would have won.”

Ah yes, her. The ADA remembers meeting her as she came riding in on a proverbial golden chariot to save the day, proving her superiority over Casey all over again. Gone again just as quickly, leaving devastated detectives in her wake. The look in their eyes; the look in Olivia’s eyes…

Casey squeezes her eyes tightly shut to try and block the memory. She mentally fast forwards instead through to the present. She did anything and everything she could to change their opinions of her, as an ADA and as a person. Hell, she was even fool enough to change the colour of her beatiful midlength auburn hair to a hideous blonde, trying to conform to being whom everyone felt she should be.

Yet somehow? She was still not her, never her.

Casey pauses in her ruminations for a moment as the person lying next to her turns in her sleep.

“Case...” a voice mumbles, the tone low and loving, its owner still half asleep, as an olive skin toned hand reaches over to Casey’s side of the bed to pull the tall ADA closer. Sifting through Olivia’s short brown hair with her right hand, watching as it intermingles with her own newly re-reddened locks, Casey smiles.

Now she knows; she didn’t need to be.

author: mysticamethyst, rating: pg, title: inferior

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