Sam Daily

Mar 11, 2015 23:58

"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven plays when the boys ring the door bell in "Ask Jeeves". Sam's expression totally cracks me up! :D

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10.06, supernatural, sam daily, dean winchester

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Comments 10

milly_gal March 12 2015, 08:14:37 UTC
*giggles* his face always kills me!


fanspired March 12 2015, 09:27:51 UTC
I'm not 100% certain whether that's Sam's mocking face or his "Ha! I like! . . . oops, Dean's looking I'd better pretend to be mocking" face.


casey28 March 21 2015, 16:29:42 UTC
I think it's his mocking face, but I like your second option, too!


casey28 March 21 2015, 16:28:09 UTC
Me too, lol!


supernutjapan March 12 2015, 09:33:15 UTC
I love Sam's face :D


casey28 March 21 2015, 16:30:00 UTC
So much love for Sam's face. :D


jj1564 March 12 2015, 15:14:14 UTC
I love his eyebrows doing a little dance and his dimples showing!


casey28 March 21 2015, 16:33:23 UTC
Dancing eyebrows, yes! And cute Sammy dimples!


hugemind March 12 2015, 21:43:56 UTC
Sam's like, "Dude, rich people." :D This is funny in itself, but it gets even funnier when the boys ring the door bell again later in the episode and even Sam's like, "Dude, seriously."


casey28 March 21 2015, 16:33:59 UTC
Yes, it's funny in that moment, and even funnier later on!


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