
Apr 19, 2014 11:59

Oh man, those jeans... *enjoys the view* :D

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spread legs, ahbl 09, jensen, meaty thighs

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Comments 16

kinkthatwinked April 19 2014, 19:58:40 UTC
Oh ... oh! This is a post about his thighs. I'm sorry, my attention was focused ... um, somewhere else.

Well, what do you expect me to do when a man sits spread-eagled like that?!


casey28 April 19 2014, 20:09:38 UTC
It's definitely about the thighs and the spread legs! ;) I need to tag for both! :D


wings128 April 19 2014, 23:37:37 UTC
Ummmm...your focus...does it have anything to do with the way J's holding his mic in the first pic? *smirks*


kinkthatwinked April 19 2014, 23:56:35 UTC
THAT'S IT EXACTLY! I saw the first picture, and my mind was doomed to the gutter from there! He invited all us poor innocents to look toward his crotch and positioned that mike so we'd visualize him pleasuring himself. He forced those disturbing images upon us!

Yeah, that's it.


big_heart_june April 19 2014, 20:27:14 UTC
I have those tags too! :DD


casey28 April 19 2014, 20:32:27 UTC
Hope you don't mind bb... I'm trying to get a little more creative with my tags, and I'm inspired by yours! :DD


big_heart_june April 19 2014, 20:34:02 UTC
Of course not, bb, have at 'em! :D ♥


casey28 April 19 2014, 20:41:53 UTC
Yay! :D ♥


wings128 April 19 2014, 23:35:29 UTC
Well F!M! This is the perfect example of why I love jeans above all other items of clothing.

I wanna riiiide that lap!



casey28 April 20 2014, 03:12:24 UTC
He looks so freakin' good in those jeans.

Oh yeah, wanna ride that lap! *dies*


woostersgirl April 19 2014, 23:54:11 UTC
OMG, you are trying to kill me! I want to shove my hand into that hole in his jeans and feel my way around, ahem.


casey28 April 20 2014, 03:15:32 UTC
Oh yeah, me too! I love when he wears ripped jeans, makes me want to touch his skin there....


milly_gal April 20 2014, 09:49:23 UTC
Mother of ALL that is Holy and Unholy! *stares* I may be here some time! :D


casey28 April 21 2014, 15:48:24 UTC
We could stare at these pics forever! :D


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