Nablopomo 2023 Day 26

Nov 27, 2023 02:08

It's that time again! November NaBloPoMo! That means National Blog Posting Month. If you jump on the bandwagon, you are supposed to blog/post something to your journal every day of November. Back in 2017, HEYURS made a "meme form" to go by--you can use it for every day, or on those days to help if/when you get stuck. Come ON! Let's have FUN! :D ❤︎ ( Read more... )

nablopomo 2023

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Comments 15

andteddytalks November 27 2023, 23:55:49 UTC

Maybe we should take a lesson from the bears, not necessarily sleep at this time of year but getting cosy and comfortable sounds like a good idea when life gets busy. Beautiful pics!


casey28 November 28 2023, 11:38:53 UTC

Yes, they have a good lesson for us, to keep nice and cozy at this busy time of year. Yay for beautiful bear pics!


cinnamontoast November 29 2023, 14:56:03 UTC
I love bears. We're gonna need icons from those pictures. 😉


casey28 December 1 2023, 12:36:27 UTC

Bears are awesome. Those pics would make nice icons. ;)


heyurs December 9 2023, 03:31:15 UTC

Ooooohhhh! How beautiful and amazing! I think we should take example from the bears. It would be a lot less chaos and mess that goes on. *nods*

*big hugs* 💚❤️💚❤️


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