Amazon Review

Mar 15, 2022 16:23

I saw this review on Amazon, and it made me lol! Makes no sense at all..

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amazon review, lol

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Comments 19

andteddytalks March 15 2022, 23:41:29 UTC
oh dear! I wonder what was so unmemorable.


casey28 March 16 2022, 02:10:47 UTC
I've forgotten what this was for, lol.


tabaqui March 15 2022, 23:53:37 UTC
That's funny.


casey28 March 16 2022, 02:02:08 UTC
So funny! Some of the reviews are very silly. :)


primula_baggins March 16 2022, 01:44:22 UTC

Reviews can be so crazy!
I've seen some where people trash a product and then give it 5 stars, and vice versa.


casey28 March 16 2022, 01:59:50 UTC
Yes, so crazy!
I've seen that, too. It's hard to know what to believe with the ratings.


meus_venator March 16 2022, 02:31:22 UTC
LOL! A good bender perhaps

But seriously, I guess there is this weird scam going on where people steal people's Amazon password and buy product and ship it to them, then write a review, all without the person's permission. Some people receive hundreds of items (they don't pay for them) but it's a grift non-the-less, it's a known thing that a product with a good review sells better than one without. The person's identity has still been stolen and who knows what else will be done with their identity.


casey28 March 16 2022, 17:03:30 UTC
Yes, that's why they don't remember, lol.

Oh, that's a very weird scam. What's strange about this review, is giving the product 1 star, when they never even used it.


meus_venator March 16 2022, 23:28:41 UTC
Maybe then, this was just a stoned example LOL!
Because you're right, in this weird scam they give good reviews.
Don't mind me, I've just been thinking too much about this Amazon scam : P


casey28 March 18 2022, 01:40:02 UTC
Probably, lol!
Yes, it sounds like it's not that scam.
No worries, I'm glad you told me about it!


grey_wonderer March 16 2022, 10:31:18 UTC
Lol. That’s great!


casey28 March 16 2022, 17:04:40 UTC
Lol, yes! Amazon has some weird reviews, but this one had me laughing.


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