25 Autumn Icons

Sep 12, 2021 08:53

I planned on having a larger Autumn icon post, but I've been having problems with my computer, so I'm going to post the ones that I was able to finish. Enjoy!

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autumn icons, icons

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Comments 36

einhornmaedchen September 12 2021, 16:32:46 UTC
Cuuuute icons, as always <3
I took a bunch and will credit, of course.
I think my fave is the one with the squirrels, they are just too adorable!


casey28 September 12 2021, 16:39:49 UTC
Thanks so much!♥
I'm so glad you like them, enjoy.
Aww, the one with the squirrels is very cute! Thanks for letting me know which one is your fave. :)


amethyst_witch September 12 2021, 16:45:31 UTC
I've got a desktop folder, 'casey28 icons', and I just put ALL of these in there. ;) (Gorgeous batch, thank you!! Will credit, as always ♥)


casey28 September 12 2021, 17:10:14 UTC
Aww, you have a "me" folder! Yay that you saved ALL of these in there. :) I'm so happy that you like them, enjoy!! Thanks so much♥


cinnamontoast September 12 2021, 16:55:40 UTC
Gosh! I saved so many of these, but my faves have got to be #25 and #16. Great stuff! Thank you!


casey28 September 12 2021, 17:13:32 UTC
I'm so glad you like them, enjoy! Thanks for letting me know which ones are your faves. Thanks so much!♥ You're very welcome!


leesa_perrie September 12 2021, 17:35:04 UTC
Lovely icons!! And lol at pawtumn!! :D


casey28 September 12 2021, 18:13:02 UTC
Thanks so much!!♥ Pawtumn makes me lol, too! :D


shirebound September 12 2021, 18:35:47 UTC
Lovely as always! 24 is so adorable.


casey28 September 12 2021, 18:42:30 UTC
Thanks so much!♥ Aww... yes, 24 is so cute.


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