Sam Daily

Apr 09, 2019 00:22

From ep 14.17

Sam gave Nick a chance, he didn't know it would turn out badly. But really, Nick shouldn't be around to begin with, it doesn't make sense that he survived when Lucifer was killed.

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supernatural, sam daily, 14.17

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casey28 April 10 2019, 17:27:47 UTC
Yes Sammy, don't take it so hard. This is on Nick, he's the one who messed up.


jj1564 April 9 2019, 10:11:51 UTC
Poor Sam, he carries such a huge burden of guilt. I am very distracted by his beautiful neck here, especially in the third gif!


casey28 April 10 2019, 17:29:23 UTC
Yes! Poor Sam, he's taking this very hard. OMG, the beautiful neck!


ellerkay April 9 2019, 12:47:04 UTC
NECK PORN!! This is the quality content I'm here for. :P

I am slightly embarrassed to admit the actual content of this scene totally passed me by because the way he looked up reminded me so much of when he's trying to look anywhere but the camera during "The French Mistake" that I couldn't stop laughing. XD I need to rewatch and pay attention to the angst.


casey28 April 10 2019, 17:30:32 UTC
Ah yes, the quality content, the important stuff. :P :D MMMMM, NECK PORN!!


tabaqui April 9 2019, 22:36:21 UTC
I must say i've been over Lucifer/Nick since...a long damn while. And i was pretty annoyed at Mary being all freaked out and judgey of Jack. Someone should have just put a bullet in Nick ages ago, when they found out what he'd been doing. I mean - c'mon.


metallidean_grl April 9 2019, 23:15:31 UTC
"And i was pretty annoyed at Mary being all freaked out and judgey of Jack."I just had to laugh at that statement because I felt the exact same way. I have also been way over the Lucifer/Nick storyline and was yelling at my TV and getting pissed at Show with the thought of having Lucifer brought back to life. The Lucifer SL has been beaten to death. He should have been killed off way sooner than he was. Then to bring him back? UGH! I was dreading that and was already preparing my diatribe to Dabb and Singer about how irresponsible it was to bring Lucifer back. thankfully it didn't go that way and Jack came in to save the day and stop Lucifer from coming back and then killing Nick, to which I cheered, rather enthusiastically. Then for Mary to get all freaked out and tell him how wrong he was, when she is obviously scared of him because she keeps backing away from him. Again I was yelling at the TV to Mary to shut her mouth and stop criticizing Jack. Couldn't she see that he was cracking up and that her words were not helping ( ... )


tabaqui April 9 2019, 23:29:45 UTC
I agree, too, with the 'dumb them down' bit - they do it *way* too often. It's just sloppy, lazy writing.

And Mary should know, just like Sam and Dean, that sometimes people can't be saved, period. Sheesh.


metallidean_grl April 10 2019, 00:05:55 UTC
They definitely do it way too often with the dumbing down of characters. That was most prevalent in the last years Bobby was around. They dumbed down Dean and Sam so much that it seemed like they couldn't do any kind of hunt without contacting Bobby and getting info from him. It was like they dumbed down those two as a way to keep Bobby around more often than needed. So, I was happy when they killed Bobby off, probably one of the few, because that meant Dean and Sam would become intelligent again. It is very lazy writing and YES! Show does it way too often. They also do the same thing with the fights Dean and Sam get into. They are excellent fighters, but sometimes Show makes them seem inept so they can just knock the boys out right away, they especially do that to Sam, which infuriates me to no end. Instead of having Sam be the bad ass fighter he is, they have him knocked out with 1 or 2 mild punches. UGh!!! The fight in this episode though, he fought hard until Nick played dirty with a rock, that just so happened to be so ( ... )


metallidean_grl April 9 2019, 23:09:23 UTC
I agree with you. It doesn't make sense how NIck survived the killing of Lucifer. When it comes to other demons or angels, when the demon/angel is killed the host of the body is killed as well. So, how in the hell did Nick not get killed this time, especially when he was dead the last time around when Lucifer left his body for Sam. Sometimes Show bothers me when they decide to rewrite Canon to fit what they want to do. It shouldn't be that way. They need to stop messing with Canon and leave it be ( ... )


casey28 April 10 2019, 18:24:04 UTC
Exactly. When the angel or demon is killed, the host dies as well. Because Lucifer is Bucklemming's favorite character, they bend the rules to keep them endlessly coming back. I'm sure we'll see them again.

I wish that Sam had checked on Nick. Even though Nick seemed ok, things aren't always as they appear, and at the very least, Sam knew that Nick was traumatized. But yes, there's no way that Sam would've known that Nick was unstable. And Sam shouldn't blame himself. Poor dears, indeed.


metallidean_grl April 10 2019, 22:48:58 UTC
Well, that explains it all. I wasn't aware of Lucifer being Bucklemming's favorite. That's why Show keeps beating a dead horse with keeping Nick and Lucifer around. I wonder if they favored Crowley, because he stuck around far longer than he should have, as well ( ... )


casey28 April 11 2019, 01:25:06 UTC
Yes, it does explain a lot. They can't let go of their favorite.

Writers came and went in season 1, they didn't have much of an established team back then. But I'm curious why Eugenie returned on a regular basis in season 7, is that when she married Robert Singer, or was she already married to him? But yeah, Route 666 is one of the weakest eps of season 1. Most of their eps are too plot heavy, some are weird or offensive, they mess around with canon, etc, etc. And they killed off Charlie and Eileen. :(

They sometimes surprise me, by writing something good. Like the end scene with the brothers in Prophet and Lost, which is one of my favorite moments of season 14.


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