Sam Daily

Dec 12, 2018 12:05

From eps 12.02 and 14.08

I love Sam's awkward, adorable expression, when Mary and Jack are back from the dead!

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mary winchester, sam daily, jack, 14.08, 12.02, parallels

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Comments 6

metallidean_grl December 12 2018, 20:32:20 UTC
Awww, poor Sammy. Good things don't happen all that often to him, so he kinda looks at Mary & Jack as if they aren't real, or that they are going to vanish at any given moment. It's like he can't believe what he sees so he keeps staring.


casey28 December 16 2018, 01:13:37 UTC
Poor Sammy. Right, it's like he can't believe what he's seeing. He can't look away, he has to drink in every wonderful moment!


anewdream4xmas December 12 2018, 20:48:38 UTC
casey28 December 16 2018, 01:14:21 UTC
Yes, poor Sammy. Wonderful for him, but also a bit overwhelming.


jj1564 December 14 2018, 00:14:55 UTC


casey28 December 16 2018, 01:14:37 UTC
So much awwwwwwwww!


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