Sam Daily

Nov 10, 2018 23:55

From ep 14.05

Sam doubts himself after what Bobby said, but Mary stands up for him. And acknowledges Sam's strengths, which is a big turnaround from her attitude towards him last season. I love that Mary is being so supportive.

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14.05, supernatural, mary winchester, sam daily

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Comments 4

jj1564 November 11 2018, 14:49:08 UTC
A lovely moment, I feel that Mary is connecting more with her boys and being more 'motherly' this season, which is long overdue!


metallidean_grl November 11 2018, 22:05:49 UTC
I liked the fact that Mary tried to boost Sam's morale and stick up for him. I just wish she would have stuck up for him right after Bobby made that cruel statement. She or Dean should have piped up right then and there, not wait till after the fact. Sammy is a good leader.


madebyme_x November 14 2018, 11:22:02 UTC
I really enjoyed seeing Sam and Mary connect and bond a bit more.


hugemind November 14 2018, 21:35:00 UTC
I loved that she supported Sam after what new!Bobby said because Sam totally needed to hear that he is doing well as a leader.


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