30 Days of Dean - Day 6

May 07, 2017 15:52

From ep 11.12 and 12.20

A continuation of yesterday's post! Why is he holding his glass like that in the 2nd gif? LOL!

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supernatural, wine, 30 days of dean, 11.12, parallels, lol, 12.20

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Comments 15

yeuxdebleu May 8 2017, 02:06:40 UTC
He has that glass in a death grip. It's like he's afraid someone is going to take it away from him. LOL


casey28 May 8 2017, 05:44:09 UTC
LOL, that could be it! "My wine, mine" :D


supernutjapan May 8 2017, 02:11:41 UTC
Maybe he learned from someone that it was better not to hold the glass and warm the wine unnecessarily LOL


casey28 May 8 2017, 05:54:58 UTC
Ah, that could be, LOL.

I wonder if Jensen was just fooling around, or if this was intended as a Dean thing... I'd like to ask Jensen this!


julchen11 May 8 2017, 06:08:13 UTC
LOL. It's aaaaaal mine :-))
Great pictures, my dear. Love them!!! Happy Monday to you!!!


casey28 May 8 2017, 22:49:42 UTC
Mine, aaaaaal mine, lol. :)
Yay that you love the pics!! Happy Monday, my dear!!!


karakuri_doll May 8 2017, 09:50:55 UTC
I'm pretty sure both ways are wrong. :D


casey28 May 8 2017, 22:57:40 UTC
That could be... I don't know what the proper way is, but the way he's holding it in the second gif looks really weird to me, lol. :D


karakuri_doll May 9 2017, 08:27:26 UTC
My mum taught me that the correct way is to hold the foot of the glass with only one's fingers.


casey28 May 9 2017, 17:22:53 UTC
Oh, ok. It seems that people hold wine glasses in many different way, even though there's a proper way to do it. But there's been a lot of discussion about how Dean is holding it in the second gif, because the first gif is a more typical way of holding it.


milly_gal May 8 2017, 10:25:41 UTC
Because I think he's already squiffled, LOL!


casey28 May 8 2017, 22:58:18 UTC
Haha, that could be it!


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