Sam Daily

Jan 31, 2017 03:34

From ep 12.03 and 12.09

Sam flinching when Mary closes the door in the bunker, and when the door closes in Solitary.

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12.09, sam daily, 12.03, parallels

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Comments 16

kinkthatwinked January 31 2017, 12:16:59 UTC
Poor baby. *pets him*

It may sound cruel, but I actually rather appreciate that after all he's been through, and all the ways life has hardened him, there are still some things that make him jump even when he knows they're coming. The slamming door wasn't a surprise in either of these instances, yet he was vulnerable to the sound anyway.

We should organize a cuddle party for him to make us him feel better.


casey28 February 1 2017, 03:27:49 UTC
Poor, poor bb!

Yes! Even though he's been hardened in some ways, there's times when he's emotionally sensitive, and it makes him react more to the sound of the slamming door.

Aww, a cuddle party for Sam sounds perfect. We all volunteer!


milly_gal February 2 2017, 14:12:14 UTC
It may sound cruel, but I actually rather appreciate that after all he's been through, and all the ways life has hardened him, there are still some things that make him jump even when he knows they're coming. THIS!


julchen11 January 31 2017, 12:47:59 UTC
kinkthatwinked said it all - there are still some things that make him jump... poor Sammy...
The gifs are gorgeous, sweetie! Thank you soooo mu ch!!!!
I don't know what I would do without my Sammy girl and daily Sam!!! *smooches you*


casey28 February 1 2017, 03:15:44 UTC
Yes, she said it very well.
Glad you like them.. you're very welcome, hon!!
You say that sweetest things... I'm glad that you enjoy Sam Daily so much! *smooches*


madebyme_x January 31 2017, 14:06:52 UTC
It's so heartbreaking seeing those flinches, and all the hidden meaning and horrors that they bring up!


casey28 February 1 2017, 03:13:05 UTC
Yes, so heartbreaking. His emotional state during these moments made him more sensitive, and he couldn't help but flinch when those doors closed!


dizzojay January 31 2017, 21:39:07 UTC
Poor Sam - that was such a horrible thing they did to our boys. :(


casey28 February 1 2017, 03:07:31 UTC
Poor, poor Sam! Yes, it was totally a horrible thing. Being confined in such a small space, for so many weeks... :(


hugemind January 31 2017, 21:50:44 UTC
Poor Sammy. :( He doesn't like being alone. Especially the latter makes me wonder if his time in Lucifer's cage still affects him in some ways.


casey28 February 1 2017, 03:05:20 UTC
Poor bb. :( Yes, he doesn't like being left alone. And being in Solitary would remind him of being in the Cage.


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