Sam Daily

Jul 20, 2016 23:44

From ep 10.06

Sam is relieved when he looks up and sees Dean, lol.

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10.06, my edits, sam daily

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Comments 10

julchen11 July 21 2016, 10:44:25 UTC
Just beautiful.... thanks a lot, my dear.


casey28 July 23 2016, 02:43:44 UTC
Aww, thanks, hon. <3


somer July 21 2016, 16:35:20 UTC
Mwahaha! Loved that ep so much! LOVED Sam having to deal with these lovely (horny) ladies lolol


casey28 July 23 2016, 02:45:07 UTC
LOL! Such an awesome ep! OMG, me too. Sam dealing with those ladies was so funny! Great lines, like him being lactose intolerant, lol.


hugemind July 21 2016, 21:36:11 UTC
I don't know how Sam managed to turn down the suggestions about playing strip poker but I'm betting there were plenty of suggestions. :D


casey28 July 23 2016, 02:46:03 UTC
LOL! I'm sure the ladies were eager for Sam to play strip poker. :D


milly_gal July 22 2016, 07:49:57 UTC
I still feel Sam's shuddery pain here ;) Gorgeous shots and edits hun :D


casey28 July 23 2016, 02:46:35 UTC
Oh yes, he was shuddering, for sure ;) Aww, thanks so much, hon :D


jj1564 July 25 2016, 20:34:03 UTC
Hee hee, yes, you could almost hear Sam's internal scream of SAVE ME, DEAN!


casey28 July 26 2016, 18:10:54 UTC
LOL! Sam's so uncomfortable, and relief is on the way! He's totally screaming SAVE ME, DEAN! on the inside!


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